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Considering all that has transpired among black people the question of the 21st century is: "What's wrong with black people?"

The answer is: There is nothing wrong with black people. Black people are doing just fine. The problem is within the classification of black people called African Americans.

In real-time, the situation is that black people don't identify with African Americans.

The classification "African American" is synonymous with the word extinction, Black America has accepted the demise of the "African American" as a natural order in the selection for extinction.

African Americans are holding the world back therefore the extinction of African Americans means that the 21st century can move forward. African Americans represent the last bastion and constant reminder of a time America wants to forget and a time the new black Americans want to distance themselves from.

Once the African Americans are eliminated then black people can aggregate the 21st century, prosper and grow without the constant and consistent moaning, whining and complaining from the African Americans about slavery and civil rights.

The African American is obsolete and are being eliminated through a degree of different circumstances and measures with impunity. African Americans must prepare to be eliminated and replaced by America's New Black People.

According to reliable data gathered by The U.S.A.Today and obtained, by the B.R.S.C.C. (Black Race Strategic Command Center for Defined Intelligence) African Americans must conform, adapt or perish.

As of this writing African Americans are being eliminated and replaced by a more advanced, educated, increasingly technologicial, highly palatable, more efficient, black American.

The following data gathered by USA Today and obtained by the B.R.S.C.C. from the front-line is based and evidenced in perpetual real-time.

USA Today
The children stepping off school buses in the Dorchester section of this city are black. The owners of the grocery stores nail salons and cafes are black. So are most of the customers but blacks in Dorchester are as varied as the aromas coming from the Jamaican and Cape Verdean restaurants along Bowdoin Street.

In the hip Restaurante Cesaria, diners chat in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cape Verde Creole, Jamaican English, English with an American twang, English with a British accent.

The musicians who entertain diners come from Angola, Nigeria, Senegal and the West Indies Diversity has come to many of America?s black communities.

The diversity is not in skin color but in culture, language and national origin.

Nearly 25% of the growth of the black population between 1990 and 2000 was because of newcomers from Africa and the Caribbean according to a report published in Today.

The populations are growing at a faster rate than that of traditional African-Americans.

The number of African-Americans increased 10% to 31 million in the 1990s. But the number of blacks from Africa more than doubled to 537,000 in the same period.

The number of blacks from the Caribbean increased 63% to more than 1.5 million.

The U.S. population of blacks from the Caribbean and Africa grew at a faster rate in the 1990s than that of native-born blacks.

Look at the trends in several metropolitan areas from data gathered by USA Today and obtained by the B.R.S.C.C.

Metropolitan areas where the Caribbean population is largest.

New York 566,770
Miami 153,255
Fort Lauderdale 150,476
Boston 62,950
Nassau-Suffolk counties, N.Y. 60,412

Where the Caribbean group has the highest share of black population.

Fort Lauderdale 43.4%
Miami 34.4%
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, Florida 30.3%
New York 25.7%
Boston 25.6%

Where the Caribbean growth rate is highest.

Atlanta 323.1%
Orlando 186.0%
Fort Lauderdale 172.6%
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, Florida 141.7%
Nassau-Suffolk counties, N.Y. 87.6%

From Africa where the African population is largest.

Washington 80,281
New York 73,851
Atlanta 34,302
Minnesota-St. Paul 27,592
Los Angeles-Long Beach 25,829

Where Africans has the highest share of the black population

Minneapolis-St. Paul 15.4%
Boston 9.8%
Washington 6.1%

The majority of African American avenues linking, rebuilding or re-establishing connection to our African Ancestry has been circumvented, compromised, distorted, obstructed, closed off, eliminated and removed.

All data and evidence collected and obtained by the Black Race Strategic Command Center for Defined Intelligence reveals and concludes that the welcome mat for African Americans wishing to link to African ancestry has been restricted and rescinded.

The African American history of chattle slavery is a terminal cancer on African history. To be accepted and received as viable Africans, African American's must be born again.

Time is of the essence. The above figures don't lie. African Americans must move to conform, adapt or perish. There is no time remaining for each one to teach one.

The new black Americans are not only eliminating and replacing the classification of "African American" they are also eliminating and replacing the black people attached to the classification.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55