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Africa is the Motherland. Africa is the birthplace of the original black woman. The black woman was a mystical rhythmic dancer. The black woman wore beautiful, colorful African garments.

The black women were the queens to the kings. They lived inside nice grass huts that formed quaint villages. Their children were playful and joyous. The original black woman was a beauty to behold.

Black women felt blessed by God to have such vast land, tidy villages, fine jewelry, colorful garments and beautiful huts. The black woman felt blessed by God to have such an abundance of land and life. It was unfortunate however that God did not see it that way.

The black woman's feelings of being blessed by God gave her a sense of false securities that lead to a fatal mistake. The fatal mistake for the original African woman was never taking the time to step back and ask God, How am I really living?

Genesis 6:5-6 say's that when the Lord saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts were he was sorry that he ever made them and put them on Earth. God was so filled with regret that he said, "I will wipe out these people, because I am sorry that I made any of them."

On the 17th day of the second month, all the outlets of the vast body of water beneath the earth burst open, all the floodgates of the sky were opened and rain fell for 40 days and nights (Gen. 7:11-12).

The above spiritual account is a prime illustration of, "The Calm Before The Storm."

Today's evidence clearly suggests that the African American woman, of the 21st century, is in the midst of "The Calm Before The Storm." The black woman of the 21st century needs to stop what she is doing, step back and ask God, how am I really living?

In the last 10-20 years a lot has been said and done to promote African American women. Hugh strides and great care has been taken by other ethnic groups to insure your inclusion in all aspects of American culture. Black women have become business owners, vice presidents, CEO's, stockholders, private investors, movers and shakers of the 21st century American economy.

The black woman purchases fine homes, drive nice cars, you get your hair did over here and your nails done over there but sisters, I ask you, "What does it profit a woman to gain the whole world and lose her soul?"

In this case, what does it profit you to gain so much for yourselves, and yet ignore your God-given responsibility to be helpers to your own kind, your soul mates? God did not take any rib from the black man to form you; God took his prime rib.

To fully understand what your basic duty and responsibility is, consider this:
The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him." The Lord made the man fall into a deep sleep. He removed one of the man's ribs and from that rib formed a woman.

The man awoke and said, "At last, here is one of my own kind, and Woman is her name." (Gen. 2:18-23).

Over time the strong black man that God made you out of sat on a wall and had a great fall. All the kings' horses and all of the kings' men do not, did not and will not put the black man back together again. What has happened to the black man since his fall is anything but a fairy tale.

God made you to be a helper, a companion to the black man but instead you have abandoned, deserted, cursed and turned your backs on your God-ordained kind, your children also disrespect the black man as they have seen you do.

The very next time when you peer from the windows of your fine automobiles at a group of disheveled black men, or are approached for pocket change from a black beggar, or endure the persistent antics from black male subway peddlers, you need to recognize that those black men are your soul mates-but Sisters, you do not recognize them as your God-ordained soul mates because the media has demonized them and you have abandoned and cursed them.

Sisters, it is in your best interest to restore the fundamental order of God. In God's order the head of the woman is the man and the head of the man is God. God made the man in his own image.

Do not continue to be a part of the media that publicly and privately rejects the man that God has made in His own image for you. You have failed the responsibility given to you by God to be man's companion and helpmate.

Sisters you must not suffer the fate of your African ancestors that perished in the flood. To avoid the mistakes and fate of your ancestors, you must not succumb to a sense of false security.

To watch yourselves succeed in life, while failing to help restore your soul mates is equivalent to a mortal sin and fatal mistake. Do not allow your success to conclude that God is blessing you. Step back and ask God, How am I really living?

Sisters in the year 2009 uphold your soul mates by offering them employment. The black man does not need a college degree to cut your grass, wash your car, run your errands, paint your house, repair your fence or any other such labor. Sisters, use your political savvy and economic positions to aid and assist your God-given man's restoration.

In doing so, you will recognize that inside the dark empty expressions of your God-given men, is the man God made you from and made you to be a companion and helpmate to.

God will come for this world, just as he came for the one before this one, but this time the heavens and earth will perish with fire (2 Peter 3:5-13). If God were to instruct a modern-day Noah to gather TWO OF EVERY KIND, ONE MALE AND ONE FEMALE, whom shall you stand next to if you fail to uphold your God-given responsibilities now?

What will all of your finer, accolades, promotions, fine homes, nice cars and titles mean upon the moment of truth?

Black women, bond together and do what all the kings' horses and all the kings' men will not do; put your God-given soul mates back together again, and by doing so save yourselves.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55