13 Sep MY Dream to Inspire Women Investors

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August 23, 2008, I held the first Cashinonforeclosures.com Foreclosure Bus Tour. My dream team of real estate professionals and I, escorted attendees to six properties located in the Detroit area, where they learned from start to finish how I have accomplished over $50 million in real estate sales.  The first stop on the tour was two homes currently under contract, followed by two under construction. Guests were provided with Property Inspection Checklists and were instructed by General Contractors Darryl J. Mullins and Lemil Wolfe of L.P. 4-U Construction Co. which household repairs and potential problems any potential investor should pay close attention. On this interactive tour, cost estimates were completed by guests and reviewed personally by me. Not only were guests able to carefully maneuver through two properties during the rehabilitation stages, two completed occupant ready properties were carefully scrutinized, where all of the days valuable education was tested. Other special highlights of this 7 hour event, included a guided tour through Lowes Home Improvement Center and an up-close and personal lunch hour where I addressed individual questions, concerns and provided insightful advice.


In this business, I have found that investors, especially women need direct, guided instruction when contemplating home purchases. Women are known to pay close attention to detail and when purchasing properties this is no exception. While men were on the Bus Tour and are not discouraged to attend, my dream is to use my success to change the lives of other women. I am  motivating women to invest, especially in real estate for the following reasons: the current economy, women typically earn less than men and live longer. The average career woman loses money during child rearing ages and is usually responsible for caring for aging parents, which results in fewer years of contribution to social security and other retirement plans. Passive income earned from real estate is the perfect solution, as the population continues to grow and people will always need a place to live. Check out these interesting facts as found in Savvy Women Real Estate Investors, by Scott C. Seckel:  1.5 million women buy homes each year (not including married women), 91% of women make home buying decisions worth an estimated $2 trillion a year, and 85% of women have been, or are currently, or expect to be solely responsible for maintaining a home. Women, we have it going on! I understand women and am passionate at motivating them to break the cycle of fear and get on the path to financial freedom. My guests were extremely excited during the Bus Tour and left with a sense of empowerment. D’Juana Bradley, said that “Attending the Cashinonforeclosures.com Bus Tour with Annetta Powell was inspirational. I have learned so much today and feel confident that I can invest and build wealth in real estate. Detroit, you are looking at the next Princess of Real Estate! I may not be the Queen, but I will be a force to be reckoned with thanks to the teachings of Annetta Powell.” I want to hear more testimonials like D’Juana’s in the future.

At my FREE Training Seminars September 24th and 25th, I will share more about how to cash in on foreclosures in today’s real estate market. Women, we work hard and deserve financial security! If you are a woman or know a woman of worth, (and I know you are) REGISTER NOW at www.cashinonforeclosures.com or CALL 1-866-758-3555.

I  will hold my next Cashinonforeclosure.com Foreclosure Bus Tour Saturday, November 1, 2008. The bus will sell out! To reserve your seat visit www.cashinonforeclosures.com or CALL 1-866-758-3555.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55