12 Sep Obama vs. McCain -- 52 days to go. Obama in danger?

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dREW wESTENIn an interview on the PBS Show NOW, Drew Westen compares the strategies of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to win votes.  Are tactical mistakes by Obama going to cost him the election? Maybe, says psychologist and Democratic political consultant Drew Westen. The author of "The Political Brain," talks to NOW's David Brancaccio about how appealing to voters' emotions reaps bigger electoral rewards than hammering home policy proposals. Westen is a Professor of Psychology at Emory University and the founder of Westen Strategies, LLC, a political and corporate consulting firm.

Watch this video to see how Obama might regain the inititive in the minds of the American voters.  The good news? Drew Westen is a Democratic strategist and advisor.  Let's hope Obama listens.  The bad news?  The Republicans have gained the initiative and Obama must overcome the current spin to capture the HEARTS first, and then the MINDS of voters on November 4th.

Can he pull it off?  YES HE CAN! 



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55