12 Sep Sometimes, you must change in order to accept an opportunity

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Recognize this simple fact, we are ALL creatures of habit.  As we get older and 'set in our ways', we don't like to change.  Nothing wrong with that, that's the way we are. 

However, how many times have you found yourself in the unique position of getting a great opportunity but it comes with one little caveat?  That's right. You have to change something.

Think about it.  You got the opportunity to get a great new job with a great pay raise.  However, you gotta move to a different city.  You got the opportunity to sing with a major label but you have to sing backup to a major artist for a while.  You got offered a promotion but it's in an area that you are not very strong in and will slap alot of unfamiliar responsibilites on you that you didn't expect.  Hell, you meet someone you're really into but they live in one city and you're in another and they invite you to move to their city.

Now, don't front! You know damn well what happens next.  Now, you turn into Doctor ............., psychologist!! You analyze, evaluate, review and ponder over every circumstance and the pros and cons of taking the situation.    You talk to your friends.  You pray about it.  You drive yourself crazy thinking. Then, what happens.  After a well analyzed discussion, you talk yourself OUT of it.  Just that quick.

Now, I'm not saying that this happens every time.  However, think about all of the great opportunities that you turn away simply because you are going to have to change some aspect of your life?  And then, what do you do?  You convince yourself that "hey, if it was meant for me, it will come around again.".  Now, that's cute and all but what if it doesn't. "Oh well, it wasn't meant for me."  Ok, now that's a cop out.  Now, if you say that you are other plans and that doesn't fit into your plans right now, now THAT I understand.  If you say "I'm not interested in that", you still got me there.  But don't tell yourself that "it wasn't meant for you".  It's almost like you have conceded that you probably should have taken advantage of the situation.

Just remember, with every opportunity for growth will come something that you will have to change.  It's hard to break a routine and even harder to break out of something that is comfortable.  Don't worry. Take the opportunity.  Who knows?  The change you are dreading to make may be the one that gives you the chance to look at your life from a WHOLE different perspective.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55