03 Sep Why Rich Black Folks Don't Work Together

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I'm sure you have heard it many times over and over. You would be in their same tax bracket if you had a dime for every time a Black person said "why won't Oprah, Bill Cosby, Denzel, Bob Johnson, Jay-Z, or any of the other rich celebrities and athletes work together to build or buy-out a company which would in turn create opportunities for the common members of the Black Community"?

It doesn't take a Harvard Grad to figure out that if rich Black people pooled their resources, started or bought-out existing profitable companies, and hired the Black talent that is otherwise languishing in corporate America (or Gov't) making lot's of money for non-Black owned organizations, then there would be a profound change in our communities. Especially since this would be the model and example that young Blacks see and they in turn will mimic and repeat the cycle generation after generation. Common sense right? What are they waiting for? Why won't they meet, plan, and formulate strategies to build, grow, support, and create Black Business since they have all that money?!

Well................here's the answer...............They don't work together and they aren't creating opportunities for the common members of the Black Community or future generations for the same reason that ordinary common Black folks aren't working together to build, grow, support, and create Black Business for themselves and future generations which is:

1. FEAR - Fear of failure, Fear of Loss, Fear of what others might think if we embrace our Blackness. (The opposite of fear is FAITH)!
2. Mistrust - Lack of trust in working with other Black folks.
3. Complacency & Apathy - The "I got mine, get yours" mentality.


In other words, we want them to unite, take the risks, do the work, and make sacrifices, but we won't do it! You see, if the common working man and woman were to do what we are asking the rich Black folks to do, then we wouldn't need them to do anything because our collective wealth is far greater than the wealth of all the rich Black folks combined. So instead of expecting or asking them to do it, we should do it!

We should work together to build and support Black Business, pool our resources, recycle and re-circulate Black dollars, create Black Organizations and Institutions and fund and support them. What are we waiting for? Future generations are counting on us. They will model our examples but we must like Barak Obama said "be the change we have been waiting for"! Then the future generations of rich Black folks will do it automatically.

Well, many of us are not waiting! In fact, there are numerous Black organizations that are doing this and more! Organizations that are actually "taking action" and working together to build and support Black Business and empower ourselves economically by practicing Cooperative Economics. It's just a matter of finding them, linking up and becoming a part of these types of organizations. One such organization is The Black Business Builders Club (BBBC) found at www.HarnessBlackWealth.com.

The BBBC is an exclusive club of black professionals who are working together to build and support Black Business, recycle/re-circulate Black dollars, and create opportunities, and earn money from home. The business model of the BBBC allows us to link up with like-minded, professional Black people from all over who desire to work together to harness the wealth of our communities and "do" our part in "doing" what many ask of only the rich.

So don't wait on the rich! Join the BBBC today and work together with us and be a part of the "movement" to earn, build, grow, support and create Black Businesses and Organizations!

p.s. Our new Essence Group can be found at http://essenceonline.ning.com/group/blackbusinessbuilders

p.s.s. Look for the Black Business Builders Club in the June 2009 Edition of Black Enterprise Magazine!!

Warm Regards,

David Farad, Founder www.NubianSurfer.com
Black Business Builder Member
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55