27 Jul You, Us, and Money

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This is indeed a very interesting and exciting time in history to be alive. With rapid developments in technology, the internet, iPhones and iPods, cars that run on water, and a Black man close to being elected as President of the richest most powerful nation in the world. We are witnessing the future as we create history. At the same time there is a long laundry list of very difficult challenges that threaten the Black family more so than ever before. I don’t think I need to go down the list of issues but at the same time there is extraordinary opportunity in front of us to change our condition instantly.

The current economic climate in America dictates that Black folks must connect, work together, and look to each other for the improvement of our own financial condition. We must stop sitting by idly, complaining about how bad things are while enormous wealth is being siphoned right of our hands into the hands of others.

Did you know that collectively Black Americans are a very wealth group with nearly $1 trillion in annual buying power? That is more than many sovereign nations including West Germany that produces the Mercedes Benz among other things. However, “individually" we are poor, compromising, and in constant “struggle” mode – disconnected from one another looking outside ourselves for answers when all the while the solutions to our most perplexing problem of money lies within us.

The question then becomes how do we connect and work together to “harness” the wealth of our communities that on average only circulates in the Black community one time before it goes out to enrich others? Well, like Barak Obama said, “we are the change that we have been waiting for”!

Computer technology is the perfect platform that can make the change possible. It allows us to make that universal connection at the speed of light. It gives us the opportunity to use our creative genius to produce the opportunity to strategize, mobilize, and formulate methods to improve our lives. It gives us the platform to practice Cooperative Economics. This is the only real way we are ever going to improve our financial position, which is to use the resources and wealth we already have, to empower ourselves and one another. Such a program is Black Business Builders (BBB) found at http://harnessblackwealth.com. (Note the name of this site is very appropriate).

BBB is a program akin to a "Black Success University" to help you become an expert at conducting your existing primary business, or you can treat it as your primary business. It is a business opportunity in and of itself that allows us to take "deliberate action" to demonstrate the power and magnitude of our collective wealth being redirected back into our own hands. In fact, it is more than an opportunity, it is a movement. It is a movement that allows us to recycle black dollars to make certain that our wealth circulates in the Black family as many times as possible.

Harriet Tubman, who was responsible for freeing thousands of slaves by navigating them across the Underground Railroad, stated that she could have freed thousands more had she only been able to convince them that they were slaves. They did not even realize their "status" as slaves. She was also said to have put a gun to the head of slaves to make them leave the plantation.

The message here is that many of our people today remain in a deep slumber “unconscious” to their potential political and economic power as well as their collective wealth. They are content in being in a compromising position. However, they complain about the hardships they face but won't lift a finger to help make change, yet they will ridicule or criticize you and me when take action. Trying to get them to take action towards our upliftment is like trying to wake the dead. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THESE TYPE! There are millions of “conscious” Black folks out there looking for and waiting to branch on to a movement such as BBB but they just haven’t gotten the word yet. That is where you and I come in.

Those of us that are conscious must first connect, formulate and implement a strategy, and light the pathway for others who desire freedom. This is what BBB is offering us, a lit path to economic prosperity. BBB members are a group of “conscious” Black folks who are focused on and committed to working together to become financially free. We invite you to join us and help us spread the word as we harness our own wealth and continue to grow BBB into The World's Most Powerful Money Making Black Business Membership Site. Visit http://harenessblackwealth.com and become a Black Business Builder Member today! Or are you still not yet convinced of your "status"?????

Kind Regards,

David Farad, Founder Nubiansurfer.com
Black Business Builder Member

 The secret to our rise is to look into each others eye's and say "I am at your service, brotha/sistah until one of us dies".


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55