01 Sep Who is Adam Brickley and the Sarah Palin Crusade

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Since learning of college student Adam Brickley’s connection to Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin, I have been intrigued to find out about him. He's really peaked my curiosity. I guess its just in my blood as a veteran journalist.

So here’s what I’ve discovered about the 21-year-old University of Colorado senior. This information was taken directly from one of his blogs. He calls himself Elephantman:

His favorite books include:

• "Breaking the Real Axis of Evil" by Mark Palmer
• "Conclave" by Greg Tobin
• "All the Best...George Bush" George H.W. Bush
• "Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biography" by Dominic Streatfield
• "The Humanitarian With the Guillotine" by Isabel Paterson

He lists his favorite music as: Country Music in General (among other artists).

I also learned that Adam was initially a Rudy Giuliani for President supporter. He still has a link to Giuliani’s campaign site on his ConservaGlobe blog. As you all know, Giuliani dropped out of the race in January 2008 and endorsed John McCain.

On Sunday, March 4, 2007 Adam wrote on his Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President blog:

The only way to kick-start talk of a Palin candidacy is for the bloggers like us to band together to show our support. Otherwise, the media and the political establishment will remain blissfully unaware that there are other VP options beyond the current presidential candidates.

Show the world that you want a new face on the ticket in 2008 by becoming a Blogger for Palin!

I also discovered he receives an annual scholarship from the: Phillips Foundation Ronald Reagan College Scholarships Fund.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55