30 Aug Blogger Campaign gets Sarah Palin the V.P. Nod

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It appears that a young blogger by the name of Adam Brickley is taking credit for the fact that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was selected as the VP choice for John McCain. He apparently started a blogging campaign: Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President blog last year and has relentlessly promoted the idea ever since.

The 21-year-old University of Colorado senior has reportedly never been to Alaska or met Palin. But while researching potential vice presidents, he stumbled on Palin and thought she would be a good No. 2.

OK, here is my question. Has the world wide web gotten so powerful that we can now pick political candidates based on the word of an over zealous college student? Are we really that gullible to take the word of a wide-eyed college STUDENT---not graduate---but STUDENT that a woman he doesn't even know can help lead out country?

But there's an even bigger question here. Why did John McCain go for it?

It's one thing to pick a woman for the VP spot to represent women everywhere---but it's another to pick her as the result of a web campaign from a young man who was a mission. That's ridiculous! Where's the credibility here?
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55