25 Aug Where are the Black & Female Journalists at the DNC?

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Why don't we see any VISIBLE black and female journalists at the Democratic National Convention?  If you ask the "white shirts" in the newsroom, they'll tell you those assignments went to the reporters with the most experience---the reporters who were already covering politics.  And guess what?  It wasn't us. Why?  Because in many cases we weren't hired until Affirmative Action took effect and by then, many white males had been on the beat for some time. 

It is sad that in 2008 we have to be subjected to the likes of Tom Brokaw, Chris Matthews, David Gregory, and Wolf Blitzer---all white males---to give us their commentary on one of the most important moments in political history.   I'm not knocking their experience but it would appear to me that the "white shirts" failed to consider the significance of this election and allow others to give more than a white male perspective. 

Yes, I've seen Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson adding his two cents---but that's all he's adding.  He adds nothing else.

As I've been saying all along:  until we change the "white shirts" in the newsroom to a more colorful attire--we are still going to get much of the same.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55