18 Jul The Four Cornerstones of Building a Business

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I can't begin to count the number of times I have heard my friends, family, and acquaintances complain about how difficult it is to do business with black people.  As a small business owner (I ran a successful law practice for over 10 years), this sentiment always dismayed me.  But I certainly understand why folks feel this way.  It's sad and it's shameful to automatically be at a disadvantage with our own people.  So, how do we, as business owners, overcome this stereotype?

Well, in my mind, there are four cornerstones around which we must build our businesses.  First, be reliable.  Have set business hours and stick to them.  Always do what you tell your clients and/or customers you are going to do.  And if, for some reason, you are unable to do so, be honest and let them know what the problem is as soon as you become aware of it.  Don't be too big to apologize, even if the delay or failure to perform is completely beyond your control.

Next, strive to set yourself apart from the competition by being the best at what you do.  That means staying informed about the latest trends in your area of expertise.  Whether you're a hair stylist, attorney, chef, or bookstore owner, always stay at the top of your game. This sends a message to your clients/customers  that you take pride in what you do.  

The third cornerstone is customer service.  Treat your clients/customers the way you expect to be treated when you conduct business.  Be respectful. Be on time.  Be courteous.  Establish a rapport with the client.  Don't over-book your calendar.   If you're having a bad day, don't take it out on your clients.  Let your clients know you value and appreciate their business.

No matter how successful you are right now, it can all be taken from you in the blink of an eye.  Know that without your clients, your business can neither thrive nor survive.  So be humble in the knowledge that each client has chosen you and be thankful that they have.


If you have questions about this article or would like a quote on your next writing project, please contact Legacy Marketing and Design via e-mail at ses@legacymarketinganddesign.com or phone at 770-879-1180.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55