SEOUL, S. Korea – July 17, 2008 (http://www.hiphopgrowsup.com ) HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc. is a non-profit dedicated to closing the gaps in education, between parents/guardians, youth, and educators. It is also formed to help youth better prioritize images and words they receive from entertainment and to enhance, greatly, the self-esteem within youth. Ultimately, HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc. is poised to recreate the village it takes to raise children.
HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc. will accomplish, the set, goals by pushing their iPositive Movement – a faction geared to improve the self-esteem and self-expression in youth and via their Change Experiences – a curriculum of educational gap solutions. HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc. is set to utilize the most positive influences from HIP HOP and other genres of entertainment to meet the needs of the mission and vision. “This is why partnerships with giants like Bruce George are pertinent to HIP HOP GROWS UP’s success in helping us to make sure our youth know that education is necessary. Other nations of youth are light years ahead of our children in academia,” as stated by HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc. Co-Founder, Ms. CeCe Morris.
Bruce George, Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam agreed to sign on to partnering with the non-profit because he is passionate about the mission of HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc., as it is his existing mission. George will form and operate the literary wing for HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc and is announcing that there will be youth poetry contests, slams, and the like. He is equally excited about the alliance as HIP HOP GROWS UP, Inc.
“I'm most excited about my alliance with "Hip Hop Grows Up." We share a common mission towards reaching those youth that have been marginalized so in turn we can offer them outlets towards self-determination." -Bruce George, Co-Founder of Def Poetry Jam
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