10 Jul Jesse Jackson on Barack Obama

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Jesse Jackson on Barack Obama

The Rev. Jesse Jackson remarks about cutting off Barack's (balls) is sad, but not unexpected since he is or was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but so is Michelle Obama.  All Black People should research that organization.  Our leadership is poor and reflects the current condition of Black African American People in the U. S.  I hope Barack will be a different Black Leader, but it is unlikely that he will, because he opposed Reparation for Black African Americans in any form. Our ancestors are watching us and him.  I hope they can find something in him  that ensures that their suffering didn't happen in vain and that justice will someday be achieved for their descendents.

Barack has been groomed by the same power player who make political leaders worldwide.  I wonder what other Black Leaders really think and say about him when the mic isn't hot.  I suspect that most of them fear him, because he will replace them in the eyes of Black People. 

I would like to read your opinion on the matter.

One Love, One People, One Goal: Black Empowerment

Charles E. Campbell

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55