03 Jun When a Woman Loves a Man: My Anniversary

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Today, June 3, my husband and I are celebrating our second anniversary.  People who know us think we've been married for many years.  Sometimes it feels that way.  We've been through A LOT in a short period of time. But I can tell you that I'm even more in love with him today that I was yesterday---but it won't be as much as tomorrow (I know that's a song)!

Every now and then I reflect on my previous marriage.  OH boy!  Did I think I had found Mr. Right back then.  But as the years went on, I realized I had fallen in "lust" and not "love."  When the sexual attraction fizzled out, there was nothing left.

As I take a moment to reflect today, I find it interesting that ten years ago, I would've never given my current husband a second look.  We are so opposite.  But what I've come to realize and appreciate is:  he's everything I'm not.  he makes up the missing pieces to the puzzle of a happily-ever-after.  

Today I am so happy to say that my real prayers were answered.  I  have a wonderful, new husband whom I love, admire and respect.  It makes lusting after him EVEN BETTER! 

I’m just a baby boomer in love!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55