25 May Keys to a Good Marriage: Fight Fairly

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According to a University of Michigan study, a good fight with your spouse may be good for your health.  Couples who suppress their anger may find themselves coping with medical issues like high blood pressure and stress---which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 

The key is not to let a lot of little things build up until one of you explodes and everything gets out of control.

Tip Number Seven:  Learn How to Fight Fairly:  It’s important to be respectful of the opinion of your spouse.  They may not agree with you but they have a right to be heard.  Also, keep your fight between the two of you. Don't bring in third parties like your mother-in-law, your best friends, or your children.  Another mistake many couples make is to bring up old issues, which only adds to the frustration of the moment. 

There are no real winners or losers when it comes to fighting in a marriage but don’t make it worse by dismissing you’re partner’s thoughts and feelings.  A good fight every now and then may actually help strengthen the marriage.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55