21 May 7 Places to Get Web Traffic -- (1) SEO

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In this series we have talked about the best places to get web traffic. We mentioned the number one way to get web traffic is on the search engines. We mentioned different forms of Search Engine Traffic and how you can choose between SEO, PPC, and learning it yourself.

Today I want to share a little more about SEO.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a way of getting good rankings in Google in what's known as the organic results.

Organic results is just a fancy way of saying the regular site listings without bidding or paying for better visibility. These are the listings on the left hand side of the search engine result pages or SERPs and below the sponsored results on the top.

60% of web users first surf the organic results on the search engines before using the sponsored listings. Users feel many times that the organic result listings have more value because the search engines rank them according to relevance.

Most searchers don't feel advertisers are as useful to their searches and view them with caution. On the other hand organic search listings are many times seen as reviewed by a 3rd party for topical to their searches.

This is why organic search visibility is important for your website to achieve. We will touch more upon this in a couple of days.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55