21 May Memorial Day Tips

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Black Work At Home Moms Network

Memorial Day Party Ideas

Memorial Day is the day we honor all of our men and women who are fighting wars across the world. Remember them as you celebrate the day. Put out your American flag and hang it at half mast. Now, on to the celebration! If you need some Memorial Day party ideas, here are a few which may make this day a special one.

Have a barbeque and buy special invitations for the event, such as an American flag or a photograph of a soldier. Ask each family member and friends to bring a special dish. Use the red, white and blue theme throughout the day. Set your table with red, white and blue napkins, cups, tablecloths and utensils to mark the occasion. Place red, white and blue streamers on the backyard fence or patio. Blow up red, white and blue balloons to enhance the festivities. Place red, white and blue candles on the table. Ask everyone to dress in these same colors. Play music appropriate to the day, such as John Philip Sousa’s CD! To top things off, bake a white cake and decorate it with red and blue icing. Don’t forget to put the little flag on top!

If the weather is accommodating, you may also want to gather the group together to attend the Memorial Day parade in your local town or city. This would be a wonderful way to show support for our troops. Everyone could wear their Memorial Day hats and cheer as the bands and armed forces walk by.

Another great idea is to have a sing along to all of the great songs made famous in Yankee Doodle Dandy. If one of your friends or family members has a portable piano, ask them to bring it along.

While Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer, it is a time of reflection as well.
Before you end the night’s festivities, stop and say a prayer for all of our men and women in uniform. Give thanks for the freedom we enjoy due to their courage and patriotism.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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