07 Jun Summer Safty Tips

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Summer Safty Tips 

Beaches and pools are synonymous with summer. However, the fact is that 90% of all kids who drown are under four years of age; and this is just in backyard pools. To make this an enjoyable and safe summer, here are summer safety tips:

  • Make sure you lock the entrance to the pool and that it is fenced in, so the kids can’t access it.
  • After your children are finished playing in the wading pool, drain it, and store it away.
  • Always have a cell phone available near the pool.
  • When at the beach, only swim where lifeguards are visible.
  • Stay out of the water if you notice strong winds.
  • Always stay within sight of the lifeguard. Be aware of any signs posted on the beach regarding restricted areas.
  • If you see a lifeguard signaling you to come out of the water, do so immediately.
  • If you use a flotation device, ensure you are in control of it.
  • If you bring your kids to the beach, always keep them close, and within sight.
  • If you are not a good swimmer, stay close to shore.
  • Be aware of riptides that can pull you out to sea.
  • Keep your eyes open for jellyfish, or other dangerous sea animals.
  • If you see someone who is drowning, alert the lifeguard right away.
  • It would be advantageous to take a CPR course, in case of a potential drowning.
  • If you have toys in your backyard pool, make sure you take them out, and put them away.
  • Buy flotation devices for your kids.

No matter how diligent you may be, there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Whether enjoying the pool or the beach, it just takes a matter of minutes for any type of situation to emerge. Be careful, be cautious, and watch your kids like a hawk!

Summer Safely Tips

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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