01 May Turn Lemons into Lemonade

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All of us as entrepreneurs will have disappointments.  We
by definition run a business at a personal risk.

In business we realize the 80/20 rule in many aspects of
what we do.  And we understand 20 percent of our efforts
will yield 80% of our sales results.

Just take it to heart that when you try something new to
expand your business or get financing there is an 80%
chance that you may fail.  Therefore, failure becomes
your friend.

Because with time you learn what works for you and what
doesn't.  Then you drop the things that don't work and
adapt the things that do work.

Don't get bitter or sour about your failures.  Look
forward to some failure as a path to become more

Turn bitter or sour lemon experiences in your business
and turn them into lemonade.  For instance I just
experienced one of the worst periods in my life.

I was diagnosed with a form of cancer and underwent
4 surgeries and 9 weeks of chemo.  I spent a lot of
time waiting for doctors and recuperating.

Rather than getting bitter I put together my eBook at
RaiseCashFast.com which is turning into a huge suc.cess.

I took a very bad situation and turned it into something
valuable.  When life throws you some sour bitter events
turn lemon into lemonade.

P.S. I look forward to sending you some valuable fr.e.e
gif.ts next week to help with marketing your biz online.

Have a pro.fitable day,


Bio: Kamau Austin helps Businesses
Survive, Rise, and Thrive Online Sharing
Search Engine and Social Marketing Strategies
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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55