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The Daurham Corporation was flying high with their product Leisure Curl. They were flying high that is, until the Korean players wanted in. The Korean players insisted that Daurham Corporation stock their best hair growth product "Afro Grow" on Korean shelves, when The Daurham Corporation resisted and refused, The Korean players went on the attack.

In response to the Korean Players response The Daurham Corporation sent their prize possession "Afro Grow" underground to protect and safeguard its' killer application from the Korean players espionage tactics and cloning machines.

Soon after the move by The Daurham Corporation and out of nowhere The Daurham Corporation found its' profits, name and reputation the center of attention and at odds with the IRS.

The Daurham Corporation litigated for ten years with the IRS. After a costly 10 year battle that nearly collapsed The Daurham Corporation they manage to escape with only their good name and reputation. Translated that means that they escaped with only the clothes on their backs.

After reorganizing, the Daurham Corporation unearthed its' most prized possession "Afro Grow" and renamed it, IT'S A MIRACLE.

IT'S A MIRACLE represents the Daurham Corporation only haircare product offering to date but it's the original product.

Having renamed their original prized product IT'S A MIRACLE they decided to only sell to beauty salons. Luster Beauty products also only sell to beauty salons therefore the Daurham Corporation having a vested interest in the black haircare industry selling exclusively to black beauty salons makes sense and also strengthens their allegiance and commitment to the black community and the black domestic haircare industry.

The problem however for The Daurham Corporation was that The Daurham Corporation very much wanted to involve and include the average everyday African American but the ten year battle with the IRS left the Daurham Corporation less than enthused about attracting attention. As fate would have it, suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere comes, Mubarak Inter-Prizes

Mubarak Inter-prizes tracked down and located the last remaining bastion of the black hair care industry in the form of "The Daurham Corporation."

We arranged a meeting with the President and CEO of The Daurham Corporation and laid out to him our strategy to create a reversal of fortune in the black haircare industry.

The Daurham Corporation after listening and reviewing our strategy agreed to work with Mubarak Inter-Prizes. They offered us their newly renamed product called, "It"s a Miracle" and agreed not to offer the product in Korean shops or retail stores for the expressed purpose of aiding and abetting our reversal of fortune strategy.

Mubarak Inter-Prizes in turn sponsors the Daurham Corporation website and sells "It's A Miracle" on behalf of the Daurham Corporation to the black community and general public. The Daurham Corporation now concentrates on bulk beauty supply orders and international and global exporting.

Mubarak Inter-prizes presented to the black community and general public our black hair care industrial reversal of fortune strategy. The sisters agreed to support our black hair care strategy if the black man can recapture, secure and manage the black hair care industrial infrastructure.

Mubarak Inter-prizes accepted the terms and assumes the position of responsibility to be held accountable. The black sisters in turn held true to their word and are now whole heartedly supporting the Daurham Corp/Mubarak Inter-prizes strategic agenda by buying and using Daurham Corps. original hair growth product "It"s a Miracle "

The black sisters are recruiting, encouraging and supporting the strategy by buying, using and encouraging other sisters to buy, use and benefit from having a strong, healthy, beautiful growth of hair from using Daurham Corporation original black haircare growth product "IT'S A MIRACLE."

In the U.S.A black beauty salons "IT'S A MIRACLE" sells for $30.00 a bottle and for upwards to $60.00 a bottle in Africa.

Mubarak Inter-prizes sells the same product to the black community and general public for $20.00 a bottle. Sister's go on-line and purchase "It's A Miracle" at: www.mubarakinter-prizes.com.

Mubarak Inter-prizes strongly encourages the black man to visit our website and read Undercover Smart. Undercover Smart is specifically written and designed to prepare him mentally for his managing position in the reversal of fortune black domestic hair care strategy.

The black domestic hair care industry belongs to us and we owe it to ourselves to get it back. Join the brothers and sisters that are supporting and making the strategy a reality in real-time!

I have used this product for six weeks to day and it does make my hair grow and thicken.D. S. Barnes, Sept. 2007, Norfolk VA.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President, CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55