26 Apr How can You Really Make Money in Affiliate Marketing?

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A recent person in a forum asked if one could really make money
with Affiliate Programs.

They seemed really demoralized with the whole process.

The following is some of my experience with Affiliate programs.

I can feel this writer's pain. I have been there done that.

I consider myself a fairly intelligent person who for years
tried everything to get some affiliate sales. I began to
feel the affiliate business was just bull.

I did some SEO research and discovered a niche that had a
lot of traffic. I went to Click Bank and found some

Then I started to sell an eBook in my niche. However the
companies weren't reputable and Click Bank got rid of them.

I tried to do a direct partnership deal but got ripped off
for my commissions. Later I began to do well with Adsense
and partnered with people with good products and created
affiliate programs. Some of these people never considered
their own affiliate programs before.

Eventually I created my own products. But it all starts
with finding a niche people are passionate about. You can
tell this type of niche by search traffic and the number of
ads carried on Adwords.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55