23 Apr The Media Stirring Up the Democratic Primary Pot

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As a former journalist who has seen her share of questionable decisions made in a newsroom, I was glad to finally get out of the business and start living a stress-free, no more breaking news kind of life.

But then when I look at the news, I wonder if I made the right decision.

I said I wouldn't blog about the presidential primary because I haven't been following it all that much and there are enough people blogging who are doing a great job at keeping me informed when I want to be.

Today, however, I'm throwing in my two cents. I don't know about you but I am sick to death of the media's (primarily CNN) blatant unbalanced, biased coverage of Hillary Clinton. Leading up to the Pennsylvania election, they did everything they could to hand her the win on a nice, silver platter. Every time I turned on the channel, there was a Hillary story. And then Larry King turned around and did a one-on-one interview with Hillary the night before the election!  Isn't anyone else bothered by this?

When Hillary's camp felt Obama was getting too much coverage, THEY RESPONDED. They wrote letters, threatened to stop supporting advertisers and they got their way apparently. The pendulum did swing in Hillary's favor and now it seems to be stuck there.

I know how the media operates. Besides, most newsrooms around the country are run by "white shirts" who intentionally set out to sway public opinion. The media has made this campaign about RACE. If you leave rural America alone and let them just go out and vote, the rest of the country won't be privy to their racist beliefs. Why does CNN feel it's necessary to tell us about a small segment of the population? That's what ignites the flames and keeps the pot stirred up.

I have to also hold some African-American journalists at fault because some of them are too concerned about speaking up for fear of losing their jobs.

I guess you see now why I'm out of the business after 25 years, instead of running a newsroom somewhere in the country.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55