22 Apr Check Out These Amazing Website Traffic Tips and Secrets

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Some Amazing Facts About Blogs - RSS, Online PR,

and Social Networking Sites.


Did you know the average new website receives only
4 visitors a month? Obviously you can't build an
eBusiness with just 4 visitors a month.

Check out the info below to see where you can start
to redirect more web traffic to your site.

The Best Your Best Places to Steer Search
Engine Traffic to Your Sites

1. "221 Million Internet Users Read Blogs or RSS

Hundreds of millions of Internet users read RSS
feeds with their favorite readers, on their
favorite sites, in Browsers like Firefox, and on
MSN and Yahoo!

Blogs and RSS feeds also provide the relevant and
timely content search engines love.
Create and List your RSS feeds with the right
services and get more visibility and search
engine traffic. Ignore RSS and miss out on big
time web exposure.

2. "32 Million Americans Read Blogs"

Tens of Millions of people in the US alone are

reading blogs to get unique and opinionated

perspectives on topics of interest to them. There

are even more people internationally reading


Blog and easily provide useful and unique info

for the search engines to index and channel

traffic your way.

3. "31% of Online Users Read RSS Feeds"

Almost 1/3rd of Internet users read RSS feeds

online with News or Portal like websites. We will

show you how to tap into these TREMENDOUS traffic


On the other hand, you could losing almost 1/3rd

of your potential customers by ignoring blogs and


4. "27% of Net Surfers Read RSS on their MSN and

My Yahoo! Services"

Find out where to get listed for these services

and get a TIDAL wave of free traffic.

5. "Fully 19% of Online Americans ages 18-29 have

created Blogs"

You too can become a Blogger and RSS Syndicator.

Provide good information to the content starved

search engines. They will reward you with plenty

of visibility in their search engine result pages


6. "YouTube gets over 100 MILLION Video Downloads

a Day"

7. "YouTube Reported Over 7 Billion Video

Downloads in 03/08"

(Stat Source: Yahoo Whitepaper on Blogs and RSS)

(Stats Webpros News on YouTube)

Share some of your Amazing Web Traffic Tips

in this forum.

Learn more about how Search Engines, Blogs, RSS

Feeds, Online PR, and Social Networking Sites can

drive potential customers to your site at...



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55