20 Mar "By Any and Every Means Necessary"

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The best way to better our youth is education.


UniTee Design, Inc., must deliver better educational opportunities and options to as many youth as possible, as soon as possible.   Our revenues generated from our "Products of Purpose" help us to fund and develop youth education programs.  Thus, we wanted to share how you can help to brighten our futures and better our planet:


  1. Sales of UniTee Shirts and UniTee Bands, at live events throughout the country such as trade shows, expos, conventions, etc.  We plan to be at the Christians in Action Trade Show in Gwinnett on April 11th and 12th.  We'll also exhibit at the New York City Black Expo on May 3rd and May 4th, and The African American Family Conference in Philadelphia on May 10thDo you know of any live events that we should consider attending?


2.       National distribution of our products of purpose is scheduled for spring.  Meanwhile, you can purchase UniTees at Naim's, Spectacles and Artist Village in Detroit, Eastern Michigan University, and at Phat Gear in downtown Atlanta.  Are there any stores or schools in your area that are interested in carrying our products?


3.       Online sales of our products, and we're regularly adding new designs to our UniTee line.  Check out http://www.uniteedesign.com/ and, share the message with friends, family and colleagues.  If you have a website, please exchange links with us.


4.       "Purpose Providers" are UDI volunteers and youth education advocates, who can make money while bettering their communities.  Visit http://www.uniteedesign.com/ for more information on Purpose Providers.


5.       Motivational workshops to better connect our children with their rich history and culture, and inspire within them a powerful pride in knowing all the achievements African Americans have contributed in building this country and beyond.  If you'd like us to speak at your church, community venue or school, please call us for rates.


6.       "Funraisers" using our products of purpose are a great way for schools, churches and other groups to make money while increasing cultural awareness, and spreading "our colors" among youth and community.  Download the "Funraising" Catalog on our website and / or call 888.OUR.RBG.TEES for more information about this program.


7.       Cross-branding promotional opportunities for schools, churches, businesses, or groups.  We will co-brand your group's name on UniTee Shirts using one of our existing designs, or creating a new design specifically for you.  Please call for more information.


8.       Production of concerts, fashion shows, fundraisers, panel discussions, and "edutainment" events that entertain and educate.  Join our mailing list to get alerts of upcoming events.

9.       Creative marketing products such as websites, brochures, logos, etc., to brand your group or company.  Call us for your free consultation.


Together, let's empower youth with better and brighter futures.


R. Lee Gordon

UniTee Design, Inc.



Toll Free:  888.OUR.RBG.TEES


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55