An ethnic empowerment enterprise, UniTee Design (UDI) is on a mission:to rebuild Black Unity in our schools and communities primarily through the development, support and funding of more effective educational opportunities for today’s youth and tomorrow’s leaders.As 2008 approaches, we’ve been working hard to complete and introduce two new and important initiatives:Developed in cooperation with The Detroit Threat Management Center, this self-defense and public safety awareness program helps school-aged children feel more comfortable in their communities, teaches them how to stay safer on the streets, and fosters self-discipline and respect.Recently featured on, The Model Student fashion career development program is the product of a joint collaboration with the Abandoned In Detroit team, and introduces the world of fashion to schools via instructional photography, videography, fashion design, modeling and hair and make-up styling. The program is also structured to improve overall academic performance levels.Your support of UniTee Design apparel and accessories helps fund these and other important initiatives such as Public Art Workz, a summer program that teaches creative arts and merchandising to inner-city youth.UDI products are available at Spectacles in Detroit, Phat Gear in Atlanta, and Eastern Michigan University’s bookstore.Several joint ventures are in the works with The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, the Detroit HBCU Network, and other partners in purpose.This year, we will introduce new apparel designs and develop our product line to include sweatshirts, sports jerseys, baseball caps, etc., as well as produce and participate in unique live events such as Detroit Fashion Week 2008.Every day, more “Purpose Providers” such as distributors, retailers, educators, promoters, sponsors, customers and media partners, are helping to fulfill the promise of brighter futures and a vision of a better world.Purpose Providers can also make money while spreading Black Unity in the communities they live, work and play.UDI is expanding its existing operations in Detroit and New York to the beautiful city of Atlanta in January 2008, where we are already planning the next Models-In-UniTee fashion show and photo shoot “Purpose Providers” party on July 19th.Please join us in building purpose, pride and power in our community of children.Be a mentor, a volunteer, an educator, a leader, and a positive role model, so others may grow to be the same.You are encouraged to check out to learn more about our products and programs.We'd welcome collaborations towards a common cause and greater good.Thank you in advance.The tree of Black Unity is growing every day.Let us now bear it fruit so our children flourish.One unity and all the best . . .R. Lee GordonPresidentUniTee Design, Inc. - Atlanta / Detroit / New
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