21 Feb No comments on Cash Gifting so what are we doing here?

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I posted something on what I've discovered is referred to as Cash Gifting. I see that over four hundred people viewed it, but I see no comments. That leads me to wonder what is going on.

Just for some background - I joined iZania a while back because I embrace the concept of building a strong Black business network that can act as a resource to its members. Now that it's 2008 I've decided that I need to play a more active role in making that the case rather than sitting back and watching to see if it happens. So I upgraded my membership and took some action on the site, in the process I've got a couple of observations:

Is it just me or are we not participating?

Maybe I post things no one cares about or maybe the stats lie, but I don't see very much (i.e. NONE) interaction on the posts that show up. For example, last year I saw a post where a member was basically saying college and higher education was a scam. In order for someone to say that they are a living and breathing example of one of my favorite quotes:


The problem I had was that very few of us chimed in to offer any insight that we might have. Some of us probably thought how ridiculous it was some may have thought it was down right scary, but I didn't see a lot of input or feedback.

That being said, in my last post I asked for input on cash gifting. I got nada. No one said they tried it, no one said it's a great system, no one said it's a scam, no one said the site looks like a scam, nothing.

So is it the system or is it us? 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55