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Pan Afrika House Retreat A Sanctuary & Cultural Complex Crowned "Opener of the Way" by her loving and supportive Daughters and Grand Children, upon embarking on her repatriation to Ghana, Sis Ngone Ada Aw, now a resident of Ghana, has graciously extended an open invitation to share her Family's Sacred Space in order to host succeeding Sisters and Brothers also born in the Diaspora, contemplating the question, 'Is Afrika for me?' Pan Afrika House Retreat is not a guest house for tourists, but rather a theme oriented safe sanctuary for serious minded pursuers of the way home. Our focus is to assist potential repatriates and support them in facing various challenges, sorting through ever increasing concerns about the feasibility of returning to our Motherland. This private family residence is located on the legendary coast of Ghana, Cape Coast, originally called Oguaa. Previously the port from which millions of captives were rounded and brutally thrust in to the belly of cargo ships for export to the "New World", it is still exploited for numerous other natural resources. Huge dungeons litter the coast and serve as evidence of the world's most despicable trade in Hue-man beings. Here also, one senses the presence of ancestral spirits that pervade the atmosphere as a result of countless souls never laid to rest. A mirage of Our-story and the bright futures awaiting us is encapsulated in this quaint town on the coast. An invitation into your self awaits the voyager who embarks upon his or her own spiritual return home. The accommodations were designed to ensure the heart's solace while thousands of miles away from the known and familiar from which you have come. Painstaking efforts were made to provide guests with all the comforts of a modern dwelling as well as the peace of mind that comes from a secure environment, though, no tel-lie-vision, but plenty of good music. The house is surrounded by an exterior wall, which is decorated by an extensive interior garden that breaths life and energy into the compound. Ample space is allocated for the many hours that will undoubtedly be spent outdoors, contemplating over both the beautiful and not so beautiful aspects of Ghana. The grounds are also the setting of various cultural events & informal workshops intended to reconnect you to your ancestral land. The personal attention afforded each guest is such that we only host 1 or 3 travelers at a time. In so doing, we attach the importance needed to your every concern and aid by providing sound direction in areas requested. Private quarters are available for couples and/or single individuals seeking some seclusion while still being in the comfort zone of an attentive host. We strongly recommend our guests plan for a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 3 months visit. This will ensure the necessary time to absorb the beauty as well as the culture shock, to tackle the challenges and get answers to your most important questions. Food can be prepared in a fully stocked kitchen, however, it is a veggie kitchen. For those seeking an expanded menu, restaurants are plentiful and within a few minutes from our home. We promote a wholistic approach to the cleansing process that prepares the spirit, mind and body complex to embrace the activating, endless strata-gems of Possibility-Sunrise. Every experience is intertwined, each with intention of answering the question, 'Is Afrika for me?' For your movements in and about Cape Coast, courteous and competent taxi drivers are available to serve you. If you wish to spend days basking in the sun and experience the many wonders that are just within a couple of miles of our home, a taxi is never too far. When venturing into neighboring cities, be it the capital, Accra or the opposite extreme, we are located just 1 mile from the main bus terminal, STC, which can take you anywhere in Ghana. We look forward to seeing you soon. We are open to discuss Love Donations to cover the costs of your personal needs, inclusive of food, laundry services, transport, etc. We are committed to serving you within your comfort zone. http://www.info-ghana.com/panaf_house.htm For further information, please contact Sis Ngone at: 233-42-36-970 (home) 233-24-406-5825 (mobile) Ngonea@yahoo.com To book airline travel on-line please visit: http://www.awtravelbiz.com or http://www.ngoneaw.com lionsden2ghana2@gmail.com 233-27-741-6300 *for quickest responses, text your query* P.O. Box 141, Aburi, ER, Ghana © 2000-2008 Lion's Den Ltd. All rights reserved.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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