16 Dec Girlfriends Circle

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Hi this is George Cook host of the online literary talk show LTH Weekly. I would like to invite you to listen to my interview with Feleshia Thomas the author of a "Girl Friends Circle" . You can listen here: http://www.letstalkhonestly.com/LTHWEEKLY.html
This book help me not only relate to what I was going thru, it help me see that I am not alone. There are women out here that go through much worse than what I have encountered. It give me a real out look on what I view as drama in my life and what real drama is. The author came our book club meeting and not only did she enbrace us as her GIRLFRIENDS she was down to earth. Since her company is all about giving back- we choice one organization to send our money to and she wrote a check to that organization and sent it off. We thank her for being not only a good author but a caring human being. --Stepping Out Book Club
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55