13 May The Do's and Don'ts of Relationships

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Relationships

Do’s are what enhance relationships. Don’ts are what kill relationships. Our surroundings are made up of different people from different backgrounds. Our upbringing, past dating and relationship experiences, etc., all mold our thinking. Even the consequences from our own relationship choices may mold our thinking. As a result, you may develop positive or negatives characteristics from your past relationship experiences. Hence the experiences become characteristics you will take into your next relationship. So, in effect, whether your relationship is going to work or not is predetermined. It all depends on the characteristics you choose to take with you into your relationship. I say this for several reasons. One reason is that all human beings are capable of changing. As an adult, you have a choice in what characteristics you wish to sustain. It is safe to say that how you treat your relationship is a choice you make. Assuming your last relationship was a bad experience, learn not to take that experience into your next relationship. There is a good reason for that. If you want to find that special someone, it is best to introduce positive characteristics into your dating practices. The human heart does several things, one being that it acts as your guide. Your heart, believe it or not, is your compass if you wish to be led to your soulmate.

Some relationship experts refer to the heart as your spirit, inner guide, conscience and so forth. The true mission of your conscience is to direct and teach truth. When you endeavor to do things that are right, you are, in effect, following the dictates of your conscience. The characteristics and habits of those who follow directions from their conscience to acquire meaningful relationships are integrity, harmony, temperance, patience, thankfulness, honesty, joy, love, goodness, forgiveness, humility, respect, trust, understanding, etc. I call these characteristics relationship Do’s. They are qualities that enhance love between a man and woman. These qualities predetermine how you will treat your lover. Furthermore, your characteristics also tell your love interest what kind of man or woman you are. Those who are authorities in relationships discovered that the collapse of most relationships and marriages are attributed to selfishness. For example, the very moment you decide to enter a relationship just for what you want, you have pre-programmed the relationship to fail. Why? Because your intention is not about sharing your heart with another person but getting what you want. Try and have a relationship that is not a me, me, me relationship. This way, you will have a greater chance of succeeding. What I’m sharing with you has been researched and proven to be one of the best ways to find your Mr. or Mrs. Right. Relationships are about two people. Take into consideration your partner’s feelings, as well as your own. When you decide to enter a relationship with positive characteristics, you have pre-programmed your relationship to work. Consider the words that represent positive characteristics. Do you notice how they also represent real love? Real love is absolutely needed in relationships. It helps prevent you from emotionally injuring your partner. The best part is you will not create a person who becomes a male or female basher if the relationship turns out to be temporal.

Fact: if you follow your conscience or inner guide, you will be directed away from sparking a dead-end relationship. You will be directed to your soulmate. Human beings were not created to be alone. Neither are we here to have failed relationships. In case you’re asking yourself, what if I go into a relationship with positive qualities and it doesn’t work? The answer is simple. Remember, relationships take two people. You may have good intentions before entering a relationship, but your love interest may not. In the event that you missed the directions from your conscience, that’s okay. Remember this saying? “If at first you don’t succeed try again.” When you try something and it does not work, there is the likelihood that next time you will use a different approach. Changing your approach actually puts you in a better position to succeed next time around, provided you do not become discouraged by giving up. It is very critical that you use methods that are proven to work. Finding that special someone or soulmate is actually easier than you thought - I can assure you of that. There are fact-based and proven methods you can use to find your soulmate. Never, ever allow your self to have any part of those who claim finding a perfect companion is hard. They are people who have given up and want you to become a quitter just like them. Create a mindset that attracts success. Negative thoughts and discouragement lead to failure. Positive thinking attracts success.

Negative characteristics are vindictiveness, discord, contention, dishonesty, pride, hate, fault-finding, envy, gossip, disrespect, lies, unforgiving, impatience, discouragement, selfishness, etc. These negatives characteristics are what I call the Don’ts of relationships. They are relationship and marriage killers. They put strain on your relationships and love life. If you are serious about finding that special someone, listen and follow your inner guide. Avoid taking negative characteristics into relationship.

If you want a relationship that works, if you want to find your soulmate, you must make choices that will lead you to what you’re looking for. Your choice of thoughts and actions will achieve their appropriate results. Good luck.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55