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Hello JMCC Seniors and Elders

Our Seniors, Elders, Economic Development (S.E.E.D) is designed for over 50 years of age folks.

You will not find a lot of statistics here to confirm that the SENIOR aging population is growing and has many concerns.

These are the people, who are most challenged with, creating and maintaining a productive lifestyle, that is comfortable and assured.

There is much focus on the youth of the world.  Seniors and Elders are the youth that has moved on!!!

Now, their challenges are even greater, for they have accumulated "stuff" over the years i.e., jobs, family, debt, health concerns, legal issues and much more.

The great news is, many have and are learning from this "stuff".  Some of the "stuff" they want to keep and other "stuff" they want to let go off, quickly.


Having lived many decades, put seniors and elders, in great position to prosper personally, professionally and financially.

One of our focus for this group will be to help seniors and elders develop additional income without having to generate or invest "big" dollars. 

Our financial programs will identify many income producing program that requires a hundred ($100) or less to maintain, monthly. Sometime, one time cost programs are available.

Every program financial return will be much more than the monthly cost to participate.

S.E.E.D will provide training in many life development area to help S.E.E.D  members to become better in the areas of development they will need to succeed.


S.E.E.D members will be introduced to some of the top consultants in

the financial, personal development, professional development, industry.


Much of the information will be found at our online community at  http://www.jusmcc.net/

Our online community is a major communication resource  where JMCC S.E.E.D members will be able to get update information.


Some of our work at home programs will be found at http://www.juniques.ws/jmos

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55