30 Oct Sweet Nature by Eddie Anniversary!

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When I was twenty years old, I suffered severe hair loss and damage due to an allergic reaction to a hair care product. Devastated, I decided to wage war against my hair loss. I tirelessly researched ways to grow my hair back longer stronger and healthier.  In the battle, I discovered priceless information such as which ingredients were harmful to hair growth; techniques to minimize breakage; how to detect hair issues such as follicle disorders, illnesses and other problems that may impede hair growth; tips to manage and care for the hair; and many other essential tools in order to grow longer, stronger, healthier hair. In 2007, I was jolted out of my sleep by a dream! In this dream, every part of my research came together perfectly, like a story! I woke up, booted up my computer and without any idea of how to get a book published, I started typing! For several hours, I sat and typed as every word, sentence and idea just flowed right out of me until I authored the Comprehensive Guide to Growing African American Hair to Its Fullest Potential.   The guide’s purpose is to empower women in the battle to grow healthy relaxed or natural hair; transition from chemicals, and to enjoy their natural hair; and to recognize techniques and practices for healthier growth.


During this same time, I had used the research to also create several concoctions made of the ingredients I had read would soften and strengthen my dry, natural hair, combat hair loss, regrow hair, stimulate follicles and minimize shedding and breakage. Soon, my hair was back on the right track and people were starting to notice! Before long, I was providing the concoctions to my friends and family along with the guide, and they also started to notice drastic changes in their hair. The results were so amazing for some people that they encouraged me to market the concoctions.  Without a business background, my steps were divinely guided and Sweet Nature by Eddie was born!  

Over the next 6 years Sweet Nature by Eddie has helped thousands of women grow longer, stronger, healthier hair and I have made it my mission to empower women to make healthier decisions through education, workshops, seminars, and consultations! I had the honor or being awarded the Female Entrepreneur of the Decade; was spotlighted as a Platinum Author for hair care articles from Ezine articles; I have appeared on countless RADIO PROGRAMS and been interviewed by several bloggers, I was awarded for my customer service from Merchant Circle and in October 2013, I was Award for my work in the industry (Check Press Release)  


Also, in 2007…I lost my job, was going through a divorce, and filed bankruptcy while my home was going into foreclosure! I became a single mother of two beautiful children and I struggled every day to find joy! Know that some of the most wonderful things can come out of the most difficult times! 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55