02 Aug Beauty From The Inside Out

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Beautiful WomenWhen I was in elementary, beauty, in my mind was defined as fair skin and long hair; features, attitude, size, or style didn't matter to me at all; as long as the skin was light and there was a lot of hair; I considered you beautiful. As I got older, a browner skin tone and medium length hair was acceptable to me, as long as the lips and nose weren't too large. In high school, I incorporated named brand clothes and a curvy shape into the things I considered beautiful. The most unfortunate thing about my idea of beauty was that I did not have one of these characteristics; not one!

Thankfully overtime, my definition of beauty changed drastically. I realized that beauty encompassed so much more than physical features. I realized that it came in every shape, size and color; there were beautiful women in abusive relationships, in Corporate America as well as beautiful women that were mothers, even beautiful women that are homeless on the streets.

For many women being beautiful, just means being comfortable in their own skin; unfortunately, countless women find this to be a very difficult thing to do. Looking in the mirror and not liking what you see can cause a downward spiral to your confidence. I believe that beauty comes from within, but because we can't see inside of us, the beauty outside can give a boost to start feeling better inside.

Here are some tips to getting started on your journey to outer and inner beauty.

•If there are physical concerns that are noticeably making you uncomfortable, start with those things. If there are numerous issues, start on one, or the easiest for instance, if you are suffering from acne, go see a dermatologist or just do some online research; if you want to lose weight, see a nutritionist or take a small step toward changing your eating habits or exercising, just taking the first step can be a confidence booster in itself.

•Our face is the first thing that people notice when meeting us, so taking care of it is important. Using a good cleanser, moisturizer and toner can give you healthy glowing skin. Try to stick to products that don't contain excessive chemicals like petrolatum, mineral oil, etc. Using a spot corrector can help greatly with clearing up scarring or dark spots, if you suffer from them (like I do). Until the corrector can work it's magic, a light weight coverage can be helpful. 

•Other features on our face that may stand out are our eyebrows. Keeping the eyebrows shaped aids in a neat appearance. You can either get the brows waxed, threaded or razored. In my experience, using a razor is least painful, but can cause some nicks and scrapes if used with an unsteady hand. Waxing is quick, yet applying hot wax and stripping it from your skin can cause irritation. Threading is supposedly the least damaging to the skin, but is the most painful for me.

•Damaged, brittle, dry looking hair gives an impression of being unkempt or lazy; make sure you are taking care of your hair; strengthening, hydrating and nourishing it as well as trying to keep it neat. Sweet Nature by Eddie  healthy hair care products are amazing for all hair types and for growing longer, stronger, healthier hair. WWW.SWEETNATUREBYEDDIE.INFO 

•Beauty is not defined by your size or shape, but wearing clothes that do not flatter either, may cause you to be and look uncomfortable if they are too small; or look sloppy and unprofessional if they are too large. You don't have to spend a lot of money on clothes to dress nicely; there are even many great pieces at your local second hand shop. Try to dress in more classic wear instead of trendy pieces, as you won't ever look out of style with classic pieces. You may also want to keep a good tailor available if you are petite; pant legs and sleeves that are too long looks sloppy.

•Not everyone wants or needs to wear make-up, but if you decide to wear it, you want to make sure that it's age, time, occasion and color appropriate. If you aren't sure go with a more natural and subtle look, especially during the day time. Going to the mall and getting FREE advice from an expert can also be helpful. They will even do your make-up free of charge in most department stores with a make-up counter.

•Manicures and pedicures help to complete a well groomed look. They don't have to be done by a professional. There are kits you can pick up from a beauty supply store and many of them come with instructions. 

There are many people that alter their exterior beyond just taking care of themselves because they feel as if the outside is most imoprtant. Remember, that no matter what you are doing on the outside; it's how you feel on the inside that counts! If you are suffering from low self-esteem and having serious issues with your confidence, it's more than acceptable to seek counseling

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55