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This is a court trial or an exhibition???  Another media circus???  I’ve been wondering this for some time now mainly because of the vast media coverage & attention on all platforms. This trial is a huge story which addresses and encompasses everything in our social & national agenda’s including…  Guns, Racial Profiling, & Race.   

But there’s something more damaging here. It’s the possibility of a mistrial if the state does not cross its T’s and dots it I’s in their closing.

I usually report on debunking or informative subject matters, but this is a subject I could not ignore- so before the verdict is in next week, I decided (just as some cable media outlets are doing) to hold my own Court on the Zimmernam/Martin case based on what has transpired over the last 2 weeks.

I’ve been closely following the trial of the decade - watching the day by day coverage. I’m not sure what side anyone stands on in this case, but there are a few key points’ (fact’s) that should stop this trail in its tracks for a verdict by the end of next week. Many people have overlooked some of these facts or shall I say the TRUE SMOKING GUNS and I truly hope the prosecution has observed and will state these SMOKING GUNS in their final closing statements.

There are so many flaws in Zimmerman’s testimony; it should be hard for a Jury, Judge or any individual not to find George Zimmerman guilty of Ill will with intent of at least 2nd degree Murder or Manslaughter!

First, let’s exclude all other here-say testimonies and just sate the initial facts.

The states job is to prove Ill will, Spite or Hatred for intent of murder or manslaughter. The Defendants job is to prove Zimmerman is not guilty of murder or manslaughter. As of Friday, July 5th, despite deliberations, testimonies, audio tapes, videos and pictures of cuts & scrapes to Zimmerman’s head and face, they have failed to do so.  If we take out all the FLUFF & circumstantial evidence, this case can be summed up with just 6 critical points.

1. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain-not police officer. A neighborhood watch person’s job is to observe and report malicious activity in a neighborhood- not to intervene. When he called in to report Trayvon as a suspicious character and the police dispatcher told him not to pursue (get out of his car) he disobeyed the order. And yes, a police dispatcher is still an officer. If he had followed that order, Trayvon would be alive.

2. Zimmerman’s story/accounts of how the incident unfolded did not match from the various interviews & videos he made. One key statement: Zimmerman stated that Trayvon jumped out of bushes and attacked him, but there are no bushes in that area where the confrontation took place. Zimmerman’s lies make him guilty of an elaborate cover-up.

3. Before the incident, Zimmerman was taking MMA classes 3 times a week. At the time of the incident, Zimmerman was weighing about 190-200lbs, so with his training (which by the way, the first thing they teach is how to fall, roll and counter move/punch) the larger & skilled Zimmerman should have easily subdued or at least rolled the lighter /skinny 158 pound Trayvon off of him. It does not matter that Trayvon Martin was on top of Zimmerman and got the better of him in his defense, this does not mean that Martin had to be shot and killed.

Also, Zimmerman stated that he was repeatedly punched and had his head slammed on the concrete, but in the same statement he claimed that Trayvon had his hands over his mouth and face keeping him from crying for help. So how could Trayvon keep up this onslaught of punches plus slamming his head to the ground while at the same time covering Zimmerman’s mouth & face??? Also, it is highly speculated that those minor cuts and bloody nose were self-inflicted injuries by Zimmerman since no one saw the initial confrontation.

4. Zimmerman stated that Trayvon had straddled him on top before reaching for his gun- which by the way was in a holster around his waist and if you watched the walk through video Zimmerman gave the police, his gun was on his back, and under his shirt and tucked in his pants. This means that he would have been laying on top of his gun while on the ground on his back as he described. Trayvon’s legs and waist would have blocked Zimmerman’s hands from grabbing and un-holstering his gun-especially if Treyvon was pummeling Zimmerman with blows.  At this point, the prosecution has not made this very important distinction, but perhaps they will in their closing statements. This strongly suggests Zimmerman had his gun drawn upon approaching Trayvon or at least drew his gun upon inducing the fight. This also means Zimmerman had intensions of shooting Trayvon before or during the encounter. This also explains Trayvons yelps and cries for help 1 to 2 minutes before the fatal shot. Treyvon was naturally defending himself after seeing Zimmerman had drawn his gun and attempting to engage a false citizen’s arrest or to shoot him.

5. As for the cries for Help on the 911 tapes, let’s go over the voice comparison/recognition of helps & screams. On Friday, July 5th, both mothers of the victims took the stand and claimed that the cries for help were from their son’s, but we know both can’t be right, so this is how I approached my decision that the voice was Trayvons.

I decided to closely listen to Zimmerman’s voice during the taped interviews with the police, especially the walk through description he gave to the SPD the next day after the incident and the interview he gave Shawn Hannity. I noticed the inflections and tone of his voice and matched it with the voice cries for help and yelps. Zimmerman’s voice tone is of a low to mid-level tone. The voice tone of yelps and cries was of a higher pitch tone- much that of a young male teen. If Zimmerman’s voice was the voice on the tape crying for help, that voice would have been at least 2 – 3 octaves lower and matched his voice tone. The voices truly did not match! Although we never heard any previous recordings of Trayvons voice, I’m 100% sure and any voice recognition professional should also be assured that those cries & yelps heard was not George Zimmerman, so by the laws of the court, Zimmerman’s mother lied (perjured herself) on the stand. Quite frankly, I don’t blame her in this case as she is only instinctively protecting her son.

6. Trayon Martin was unarmed, so obviously he did not display a weapon of any kind before or during his encounter with Zimmerman. Regardless of the struggle/fight that occurred that evening and the fact that Zimmerman received slight injuries (not conclusive of life threatening as Zimmerman’s defense claimed) from Trayvon trying to defend himself to keep from being shot, Zimmerman had no reason to shoot Martin-especially with his MMA training . Zimmerman’s life was not in eminent danger because his but got whipped in defense. Zimmerman had his gun drawn during the fight because he did not know how to fight!

 7. Zimmerman did not want to take the stand after he was advised not to from his attorney's. It's not just becasue this was not necessary, but more so becasue they prossecution would have cut him to shreds and would have ask him to yell or screan in the court which would have nailed the difference between his voice and Trayvons!


Trayvon Martin was a minor just walking down the street minding his own business. Based on recent home invasions, that evening George Zimmerman decided to take the law into his own hands and confront a male Black teen hoping he would be lucky to capture a potential criminal and to make an example of Trayvon to all the Black male teens in the community. Zimmerman used the guise of darkness plus the lowered visibility due to the rainy conditions to carry out his mission knowing that hardly anyone (material witnesses) would be out to positively identify or describe the series of events that led to the shooting.  Zimmeran also knew that because of the conditions, no one would have been able to pull out a cell phone fast enough to capture the entire series from start to finish and even if they were able to, the darkness plus the poor video quality of cell phones would have made it nearly impossible for anyone to get positive/clear images. Even the neighbors whom called 911 said they could either barely or not make out who was who in the LOW VISIBILITY RAINY DARKNESS, so obviously a cell phone camera would have made those images even worse.

I believe Zimmerman thought this out entirely and realized all these variables would work in his favor prior to making the decision to exit his car to confront Trayvon, and thus you have an innocent teen methodically pursued and murdered.

Based on these KEY POINTS, the evidence and testimonies, I find George Zimmerman GUILTY on 2nd Degree Murder in Finley’s court!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55