28 May Volunteering and Publicity

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Volunteering offers more than an opportunity to give back to your community.  It also allows others to see you shine in a different kind of light.

As a baby boomer, I am in a select group of volunteers.  That's because the volunteer rate for baby boomers is the highest of any generational age group. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Why do people volunteer?

  • to help others and contribute to the community
  • to use skills in a new setting
  • to develop a sense of accomplishment and self-worth
  • to learn new skills
  • to challenge themselves
  • to work for a cause
  • to help improve the quality of community life

As a volunteer, you will also gain recognition for your abilities.  That's what happened to me recently when I was honored with a Halo Award for my fundraising efforts on behalf of a non-profit medical clinic in my community.  To make a long story short, I attended an event where a woman named Dr. Sharon Elliott-Bynum was being honored for her service to the community.  I didn't know her but I was so moved by her story that I felt compelled to help with the homeless military veterans project she mentioned.

Over a four-month period, I solicited my friends (and strangers) to help me raise money on the clinic's behalf.  I capped it off with a Throwback to the 60s Fundraising Party and we raised $1250, which was matched by Modern Woodmen of America because of their insurance agent and my friend, Nancy Williams.

Volunteering is good for the soul.  Publicity is good for your image.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55