25 Jan There are only two types of families in America

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Regardless of your color race or gender there
Are only two types of people in America
According to Rome. The first family we will
Discuss is the wish moors, now the wish Moor
Family live in the majority of neighbor hoods
Across America their children attend most public
Schools and the parents earn a living by working
For other people on a nine to five job.
They attend Church regularly and belive in whats right
They vote in upcoming political elections and they
Consider that the life they live is good even in the
Face of a turbulent World ,but Rome regard's the
Wish Moor family as debtors in commerce.
The Wish Moors belive that you should watch the news
On television and live by the rule whish states go to
School and get a good education so you can get a good
Job. Their neighborhood contains people from other
Countries owning businesses. But the Wish Moors
Have not considered the facts of wealth leaving their
Neighborhood, so day after day the Wish Moors plod
On patronizing foreigners to their own detriment
As an economically powerless people, who have
Lulled to sleep.
The other family we will meet is the Have Moor's
The Have Moor family do not live in Neighborhood's
Except by choice, you find them living in communities
That they control, they believe in self education along 
With private school education.
The Have Moor families are regarded by Rome as creditors
Because they have taken the necessary steps to become
Creditors in commerce.
The Have Moor family belive that if the child want's a new
Pair of shoe's then they should locate the company that makes
Them and buy shares and stock in the shoe's first.
And then they can afford to invest in the purchase of the shoe's.
The Have Moor family always keep access to knowledge
Inside their home's either threw computers or books.
They vote in political election using the collective body
And joint participation of community members, asking
The politician for something in return for the community
The Have Moor family also attend Church, but are not
Religious people. But always tend to business with
A sharp and crisp attitude. The result's of the Have More
Family success in life is spelled out in their family name
The Have Moor's
The Wish Moor family on the other hand will always
Remain Wish Moors until they master the keys to success
In America if they plan to stay.
Which family do you belong too will determine the future
Of your generations to come. For your own power base
Go here: http://www.tarhakaarchives.com/


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55