25 Jan Around the clock and non stop

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Contacted by Carolyn from Dallas March 2011.
She told me her and her husband was stopped by
Police for a busted tail light.
The police man asked for drivers license but was given
Different credentials instead, needles to say the police man
Got upset and demanded her husband step out of the vehicle
Her husband refused the order and insisted that he was not driving
But exercising his freedom of right to travel.
The police man told him that if he did not exit the vehicle immediately
And voluntarily, that he would be taken out by force.
Her husband refused to volunteer and was taken by force and thrown
Down to the ground, handcuff and forced into the police man car
And taken to jail.
But unfortunately for the police man, her and her husband had gotten access
To Tarhaka Archives and were prepared for anything the police
Could do on the traffic stop. 
The fall out was devastating.
The Police man came face to face with the following
Declaring an emergency when cutting on his lights which is a felony
If there is no injured party
Assault and battery
Attempted murder
Copies of the intire incident was recorded by Carolyn and her husband
From several different angles and presented to the sheriff department
The Mayor and Governor of the State
The city settled out of Court.
No evidence no case
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Now!. http://www.tarhakaarchives.com/.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55