05 Sep Make Your Mobile Website an Enjoyable Experience

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Have you ever visited a website and had a horrendous experience? You know, something that seemed to be lurking in the pits of hell before appearing on your computer screen.  Imagine having to manually adjust the page as your read because all the words don't fit into your window. Your navigation options are hard to find and even harder to click because they're far too small. Worst of all, the whole experience is slow and clunky because the site is designed for a computer with far more power than your or any other computer has. It goes without saying after a few seconds of this you'd move on to find a better experience. The thing is, this is EXACTLY what happens when people visit your webpage on their mobile phones if there is not a mobile version of it.

People are increasingly looking for businesses, brands, restaurants or whatever you're offering on their mobile devices. It would be a travesty if once they find you they too are turned off by simply not being able to navigate your page. A mobile website can fix all of this by offering an easy to navigate experience as designed for the screen size and processing ability of a mobile phone, not a full desktop or laptop computer. A mobile website will optimize screen real estate and provide ways for the (potential) customer to engage you directly from their phone. Long story short, if your company does not have a mobile website you're potentially missing out on a huge opportunity to reach people where they are searching for you.



Follow Ibrahim on twitter @ialamin  (He'll greatly appreciate it if you do)


 Originally posted on the AwSnapp! blog 


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55