07 Aug Mobile Application or Mobile Website?

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Should your mobile presence be established by a mobile web site or mobile applications? 

The answer to this is simple.  If you have a website you NEED a mobile version of it as the desktop version of your website does not translate well to the small screen of mobile devices. Think about it, your website is built to be navigated with a mouse and cursor, not fingers. The good news is that it is not usually hard or expensive to establish a mobile website, in fact, many  themes on popular site builders and content management systems such as Wordpress, Drupal and Weebly have mobile optimized versions included. If your system is built without an easily configurable mobile option or if you just want more personalization, AwSnapp! has great mobile website designers on hand that would love to help get your site optimized for mobile devices

A mobile application on the other hand is more optional but has the ability to do things just not possible with a mobile website thus opening up a whole new world of possibilities of connecting with your customer. Furthermore, your application is installed on the phone so does not need to always be connected to a data service to be of use. While most people will find your mobile website through searching on their phone, your app will primarily be downloaded by people that want you to connect with them thus allowing you to engage better and more often with loyal customers.

Every business should have a mobile website and those that want to take their mobile strategy to the next level should definitely consider a mobile application. 

 Follow Ibrahim on twitter @ialamin   


 This piece was originally posted on the AwSnapp! blog on June 26 2012


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55