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1. Fortune Telling Leviticus 19:31: "Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."

2. Tattoos Leviticus 19:28 reads, "You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."

3. No unnatural fabrics Leviticus 19:19 reads, "You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together."

4. Divorce Mark 10:11-12, "And He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery."

5. Wearing Gold 1 Timothy 2:9 reads "Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments."

6. Shellfish Leviticus 11:10 reads, "But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you."

7. Shaving Leviticus 19:27: "You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard."

8. Gossip Leviticus 19:16: "You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor ; I am the LORD."

9. No football on Sundays Exodus 20:8: "The seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you."

10. Women cover your hair in church 1 Corinthians 11: 5-6: "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55