26 Nov 5 Great Websites for Young Urban Entrepreneurs

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The Black Man Survival Guide is not just about staying alive it’s about having the things you need and want.  The best way to get these things is to work damn hard for them.  When it comes to this work you have 2 choices:

a) Work for a boss where you have limited control of your destiny; or

b) Start your own business and drive your ship to success or straight to the bottom of the sea

The sarcasm in Option “b” is intentional.  Becoming an entrepreneur is the way to riches, but it is a hard path that is fraught with disaster.  Know this going in and you have a chance to succeed.

If you start your business thinking “this will be a piece of cake” you most certainly will fail.  There will be long hours, tight cash flow, and a myriad of other start up pains that will make you want to quit.  Unless you have a deep passion for your new business and an extreme confidence in your ability to make it happen you will fold when it gets too hard.  Even with a strong conviction and desire you will still want to give up.  Don’t.  Instead look for help from resources that exist specifically to help you.

Below are 5 excellent websites tailored to help the urban entrepreneur become successful.  Each site has a little something different to offer, but all of them have exceptional content that will help you on your way to success. 

YFS Magazine “Young, Fabulous & Self-Employed” is the epitome of what a 21st century entrepreneur website should look like.  It is clean, organized and chock full of quality articles in a wide range of topics from starting your business to keeping it on track.  Kudos to Erica Nicole, founder and CEO of this great site.

Black Web 2.0 Black Web 2.0 definitely is for the 21st century urban youth and has a slant toward technology and urban life.  There are excellent business tips as well, and the site is very easy to navigate.

Being Black in Business While the first two websites represent the collective minds of the urban entrepreneur environment, this site provides the singular perspective of what it means to be an entrepreneur today.  An excellent blog (written by Will Bearyman CEO of SilverHook Studios), “Being Black in Business” focuses on analysis of real world situations, challenges and strategies encountered by Will but will translate to any businessperson.  Extremely well written and easy to follow.

The HustleTown Chronicle One of several sites under the wing of The Iceman Baldy Group, HustleTown may be the most content-rich of the group of five.  Covering everything from social media to startup financing the site itself even feels like its bursting with information when you look at the homepage.  Selecting any article however you will see that each one is unique selected for the site based on relevance and content quality making the site a great bookmark for any urban entrepreneur.

Under 30 CEO There’s no way I could feel good about myself if I left this site off.  “Under 30 CEO” has so many great articles and so much positive energy that it is almost a must read.  10 minutes into it you will wonder “when will I have the time to read all this good information”.

Remember, being an entrepreneur is one of The Top 4 Ways to Get Rich in America.  If you have a great business idea, and the will and the heart to see it through, starting your own business is the way to ultimate success.

Resources Who Can Help: 

These are just 5 of several great website resources for young entrepreneurs.  If there are others that you think would benefit our readers, please add them to the comments.  We are trying to make the best Survival Guide possible and your input is welcome, appreciated and necessary.

Make sure you share the page with them after you list them so they know how much you appreciate them

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55