12 Jul Learn New Ways To Build More Affective Static Websites

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If you are interested in building your own website this article contains information you need; you may want to bookmark this page right now or print this article so you can refer to it as you continue with your project.

Don’t feel like you have to do it all in one night. As it is with anything worth doing it takes time to teach yourself the skills that you will need to be successful. Things won’t make sense at first, but later all the parts will start to come together.

Full color printing deliver instant marketing impact.

Building a website is not as difficult as you might think. Imagine R Power.com provides a great service that makes it easy for anyone with a computer to create their own site, even with no previous technical experience. If you have ever used any social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace you probably already have some of the skills you will need to get started.

The first thing you will need is a good web-host. Web-hosting services vary greatly in quality and price. For a beginner I highly recommend using godaddy.com economy packets web-hosting services.

I have used many and, in my opinion, godaddy.com economy packets and Imagine R Power’s Per Designed Websites template has the best tools and support for someone who is just starting out.

Ever feel left out because you have a Static website and everyone else seems to own a blog?  All the tips, articles and help seem to be directed to bloggers these days.

And that’s really not a huge surprise since most people opt to create blogs now.  They’re quick, easy, and dynamic, they foster discussion and you can find hundreds of well-designed cookie cutter themes for free! But don’t give you the freedom to stand out from the crowd.

I really don’t want to get into a discussion about which is better (blog or Static site) because I think it’s all relative.  Obviously blogs are current.  They provide more instant functionality and they’re easier to create, but it doesn’t mean they’re best when it comes to learning the fundamentals of design.

However, when people say blogs are better than Static websites, they are usually referring to the ease, functionality and design options — not necessarily financial success and learning/understanding how to design a website.

I think building Static websites prior to having a blog is what helped make editing my blog less intimidating.  Since most people start off with blogs today, they aren’t necessarily forced to learn much about the code. With Imagine R Power’s no coding is needed and it will allow you to be more unique an attractive to your target audience, which in return we’ll bring you more business.

Cookie cutter blog themes it’s fine if you don’t plan to update your design in a major way, or if you can find the perfect theme that suits you. But it can become a problem if you want to start moving things around, re-designing and positioning elements like AdSense units, banners, etc.

Of course that doesn’t mean all bloggers never become proficient in CSS.  I’m sure many of you reading this now learned a lot about HTML and CSS because of your blog and are quite comfortable changing things up.

But I personally believe it’s easier to make sense of things when you start with a Static website.  The code is often cleaner and you can edit, test and preview your design right from your computer without setting up a server like you would for WordPress.

But I digress…

In spite of what people say about Static websites, I know a big part of my audience still uses them and I haven’t forgotten about you!

I see your comments, read your e-mails and I get your frustrations when it comes to design. So Imagine R Power was put the finishing touches on a 3-column CSS template that we are selling right, and I promise you it is the best teaching template you’ve ever seen.

You may remember a few of the free templates we offered from their site Imagine R Power and on YouTube over the years.  They were pretty basic and fine for getting started, but they don’t hold a candle to the ones they have created from scratch.

Template Features

  • Very clean HTML & CSS code
  • Loads fast
  • Compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and even older versions of IE!
  • W3C Validated
  • Customizable horizontal CSS navigation menus with hover effects
  • SEO Optimized (Content is ABOVE the navigation in the source code unlike most 2 or 3 column CSS templates.)
  • Over 60 original, graphical backgrounds to choose from
  • Over 40 original, custom headers (some with premium, high-res photos)
  • Instructional Video
  • Embedded instructions in the stylesheet and template to help modify the design
  • Guidance with positioning banners, social networking icons and other elements in the header
  • Can be configured to work with Site Build It!
  • Cross Browser Support
  • MyBlog - BlogYou Theme Overides
  • Custom Joomla Content CSS Style Overides
  • TI Template admin panel for more control over colors and styles
  • Since it’s static, you can edit, test and preview right from your computer before going live

And because there are so many different headers and backgrounds to choose from, you can create hundreds of different designs just from this one template.  (All backgrounds and header designs were created by me in Photoshop, so you’ll have full rights to use them commercially.)

They’ve actually had fun developing the headers and backgrounds and I think those alone will be worth the price of the template.  There will even be photos of people with transparent backgrounds that you can position inside the header if you wish.

If you’ve always wanted to have more control over the design of your site, then Imagine R Power’s Do-It-For-Me Web Designis going to be the templates for you!  And if you have a blog, it will help you understand how to customize that as well — especially when it comes to positioning elements in your header like AdSense banners, etc.  Even though blogs are dynamic, they still use CSS to govern the design.

So why am we telling you all this?  Well, there newsletter subscribers that will be going out which will be giving the templates away for a deep, discount for a limited time.  So make sure you are on my list! Go to their website and reach out and with an e-mail and look for the saves.  Get your company message out with one of the hottest web sites on the market today!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55