01 Jun Disaster Relief

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In the wake of so many natural disasters www.dresswellfashions has teamed up with the American Red Cross to help families rebuild, their lives, their futures, and their homes. I come to you humbley and ask that you to assist us in these efforts with a purchase. In these efforts I have reduce all prices by 10% so it will be a win win situation for all.
Starting June 1, 2011 through September 1,2011 10% of all sales not including Tax or shipping will be donated to the American Red Cross for disaster relief.

The red cross name is used with it's permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, expressed, or implied, of any product, or service, company, individual, or political position. For more information about the American Red Cross please call 1.800.HELP. NOW or Email info@usa.redcross.org

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55