Mission Statement: To provide a professional and proficient publishing service that will produce marketable literary work for the world to see. To also maintain a commitment to help sponsor young writers and help them get published by hosting a sponsorship program. With an earnest desire to work to insure our clients are satisfied, we will continue to strive to be the best. Giving unbiased opinions and constructive criticism, so that your work is something that you are proud of. Steamy Trails Publishing believes that it is your "write" to shine.
Who We Are: The co-creators of The S-H-E-M-A Gurls are about to make things happen!!! It started with a vision shared by these two sister friends, one a published author of "The Balcony View - Introduction of the Lovers" and creator of Steamy Trails Promotions, Kat Gurl and the other a soon to be published author of the book "And Yet...It Was Forbidden" and co-creator of The Spirited Divas, Nita Bee.
After much talk and the desire to help others get their work out there without all the hassle and misunderstandings that most new authors have when getting published...the two decided to stop talking and start doing by making their vision a reality. Using the Steamy Trails name they've come together to create a brand new publishing company called - STEAMY TRAILS PUBLISHING. Within their vision is the strong desire not to only help others get published at reasonable workable rates but to help young talented writers who lack the funds needed, get their work published, as well. They've also created a sponsorship program for high school and college students.