23 Apr Huntsville Marriage & Family Therapist Joseph L. Follette, Jr. uses telephone to Inspire Married Cou

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Infrequent sex in marriage is a symptom of a troubled marriage. Sexless marriages have been defined as marriages with fewer than 15 erotic interactions a year. It is a commonly known fact that one out of two married couples face divorce in our country. It is very evident that arguing couples have frustrated sex lives. Without sex married couples become mere roommates. Research shows that couples equate the quality of their relationship with the frequency of sex. Many studies have shown that sexless marriages may lead to infidelity and decreased mental health. Monogamous sexual regularity has many health benefits.

Many couples are clueless about how to fix their sexless marriage. That is why seasoned Marriage & Family Therapist Pastor Joseph L. Follette, Jr. has created Sizzling Hot! to inspire married couples to have more frequent mutually satisfying sex.

As a form of mental health treatment Marriage and Family Therapy has proven to be very effective in improving marital communication and reducing conflict. The American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy says that Marriage and Family Therapists take a holistic perspective to health care; they are concerned with the overall, long-term well-being of individuals and their families. Follette, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapists is now utilizing modern technology to deliver his marriage changing message to the masses. In his upcoming teleseminar, SIZZLING HOT! 5 Simple Steps to Keep the FLAME AGLOW in Marriage, Follette shows married couples what it takes to keep sex flaming in marriage. Go to http://www.SizzlingHotMarriage.com.

In this Sizzling Hot seminar Follette challenges couples to look at their marriage the way that God intended. Not just for Christian marriages, this one step alone has tremendous potential for turning a marriage around. Couples will learn what marriage is all about, how to forgive one another, how to communicate, how to negotiate and solve problems and how to reach their sexual expectations.

This seminar is specifically for couples whose flame has nearly blown out. Whose sex life has become dull, boring and maybe non-existent. And if money is an obstacle, this teleseminar is being offered for FREE to any couple who wants it. This seminar provides sound advice for couples who are motivated to improve their marriage.

Marriage is not something you can set on auto pilot. Couples must constantly invest in their relationship. This seminar is an opportunity for couples to reconnect and re-experience one another. A great marriage does not happen by chance. Marriage is something a couple has to work on. "Sometimes a simple seminar can create the spark a couple needs to get their intimacy back on track", says Follette.

In this Sizzling Hot teleseminar Follette gets marriage counseling to hundreds of couples at one time. In this teleseminar he helps couples renegotiate their relationship, renew their commitment to marriage and enjoy a mutually satisfying sex. Couples are encouraged to start out this new year right by committing to a Sizzling Hot Marriage.

Not having regular mutually satisfying sex in marriage is like not regularly changing the car’s engine oil – sooner than later that engine will fail. Sex is the engine that’s starts marriage and the engine that keeps it fresh.

— To learn more and to sign up go to http://www.SizzlingHotMarriage.com

Sizzling Hot marriage teleseminar is the creation of Joseph L. Follette, Jr. CEO of Lifestyle Therapy & Coaching. You can read his blog at http://www.LifestyleTherapyCoach.com. Follette has been practicing Marriage and Family Therapy for over 12 years and is also an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister.

Contact: Sizzling Hot Marriage
4920 University Square NW
Huntsville, AL 35816
Phone: 1-256-850-4426
FAX: 1-925-522-4887

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55