15 Mar How to do better event registration

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A good event registration procedure online will definitely turn things around for you to make the event a big success. There is nothing to worry about success of the event if the registration and event management solution you use is perfect, comfortable, effective, flexible, smooth as well as easily manageable. Event registration solution can assist in decreasing the complications and in-return increasing the number of attendees. If you follow a few steps you definitely increase the chances of improving the registration process online.

Avoid paper procedures:

If you keep aside paper registration procedures which are time consuming and instead take up online registration for the event, more attended will turn around for sure. Registrants too find it comfortable to register for any event online rather that to fill-in paper forms.

Group encouragement:

It is said that if you register for any event in groups, the procedure can be further simplified and time can be saved. Many event organizers fail to experience a success. If you wish to encourage groups to register for the event, you need to firstly offer some group discounts to the attendees and make them feel satisfied. Secondly a simple registration procedure for groups will definitely encourage them. If the registration process is customized in such a way that registrants find it simple to add members of the group, more group registrations will be defiantly followed.

Give attention to attendees:

If you fail to communicate any minor yet important notice of the event to the attendees, they will have a negative experience on your event. Event organizers need to select a registration system that is suitable for the attendees to register for the event.

Take efforts to compete:

Event organizers need to take efforts to make their registration process simple and user friendly so that registrants don’t get frustrated while filling out the applications. You need to make use of auto-recall facility in order to popularize the events in advance.

Re-confirm for removing no-show:

You need to identify the no-shows in advance and ask the attendees to select the click-to-confirm option while registering for the event.

Simple networking through directories:

Events defiantly stand out in public if proper networking opportunities are taken in to consideration. When you provide a simple link to directory of event attendees during registration procedure, results will be better.

Better budges:

You need to follow a sophisticated registration procedure to enhance the badges along with group data, agenda and color coding. Managing events can be simplified if you provide a list of sessions to attendees that they are attending.

Make sure to have a relevant question:

If in case the attendees get confused to answer the questions in registration forms, you tend to lose them. No point in confusing the attendees and instead let them feel ease when they fill-up the forms. Conditional logic statements are used by most of the event organizers to simplify the registration procedures for attendees.

All in all for improving the event registration procedure you need to keep your solution neat and simple. It will benefit you and the registrants!

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55