26 Sep The Joy of Mentoring

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I am a volunteer mentor with Columbus City Schools in Columbus, Ohio.  I am a part of a program called Project Mentor.  I have been matched with a 7th grader who is working hard to do well in school.

Mentoring offers small rewards that accumulate into big joy.  In Project Mentor, I spend one hour each week at school with my mentee.  This past weekend I attended a youth football game to watch him play.  To my great joy and surprise, when I arrived, he introduced me to his little brother and cousin, and teammates as the "best mentor in the school."

There is no objective way to determine who the best mentor is, but that is beside the point.  What is important is the benefit that the student is receiving from the relationship. The satisfaction from seeing a big smile, and the joy he received from my presence at his football game are priceless.

Mentoring is one of those few experiences in life that is "more than it is cranked up to be."  There is no way to place a value on the joy that is returned for a very small investment of time.  Young African American children are in desparate need of mentors and positive role models.  If you are invited to join a mentoring program, find a way to make the time for participation.  You won't regret it.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55