14 Sep Sclerotherapy For Varicose Veins Removal Huntsville Alabama

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Do you  have varicose vein, and live in Huntsville Alabama? Here are some information on sclerotherapy from the treatment for varicose vein Huntsville Alabama center.

Sclerotherapy is a surgical procedure for varicose veins which uses a special chemical called sclerosant which is injected into the varicose vein to damage and blemish the inner lining of vein which closes the vein. During this surgical procedure the affected leg is elevated in order to drain blood while the sclerosant chemical is injected into the damaged vein. After being injected, there is pressure applied over the vein to prevent blood returning back when you stand. Sometimes, you might also need to wear elastic bandages or compression stockings for a couple of days to maintain its pressure. 

The procedure could be quite painful while you could also experience a feeling of cramping or burning. However some new techniques lets the doctor to inject sclerosant using a catheter. The sclerosant and catheter are carefully guided to the affected area using a duplex ultrasound. So, this makes it easy for the procedure to used on larger affected areas which could be treated only through surgery with stripping and ligation. The process of sclerotherapy is more effective and safer when done with duplex ultrasound as it lets précised and easy access to the varicose veins.

What you should do after sclerotherapy treatment 

Generally, sclerotherapy does not require a fixed recovery period as you will probably be able to walk instantly after the treatment but make sure you don’t start running around. Bed rest is also recommended and you should avoid tiring exercises for some days after the treatment. Moreover you might also have to use compression stockings for a couple of weeks after the treatment. 

The need for sclerotherapy

The treatment is mainly recommended to treat

    * Smaller varicose veins which evolve after the vein-stripping surgery
    * Small and spider veins which don’t seem to cause further serious problems
    * Larger varicose veins with the help of new methods of treatment

However, sclerotherapy must not be don’t when you

    * Have history of allergy to any sclerosant or similar chemicals
    * Are nursing or pregnant as the sclerosant chemical could probably get into your breast milk or cause birth defects
    * Have inflammation or blood clots in deep leg veins

The outcome

This type of treatment done by the treatment for varicose vein center in Huntsville Alabama is quite cost effective compared to surgery as it does not require hospitalization and also lets a quicker return to your normal activities. Moreover the therapy also reduces the symptoms and improves appearance of your skin if you have smaller varicose veins. However the outcomes for newer techniques are still not known but they still appear to be promising. 

What are the risks?

There are some risks associated with this therapy such as changes in skin color near the area of treatment which is the most common visible side effect. Moreover you might also experience pain, bruising, blistering and itching near the area of treatment. Scarring can result in ulcers or even death of tissues around the treated area when sclerosant chemical is injected outside of the vein or if the chemical escapes through the weakened walls of the vein. Your blood could also clot and damage your deep vein system.

The treatment for varicose vein center in Huntsville Alabama is also the location of Huntsville OB GYN subspecialty center

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55