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Well, well, well... G-Rod (Gov. Rod Blagojevich) is more powerfull than the Government and (Patrick Fitzgerald)  anticipated. 

I'm not suprised by the verdict. I knew G-Rod was going to either beat this flat out or at least get a hung-jury ( A TIE!) from the start becasue of the circumstances.
This farce is the result (starting from several years ago- to today) of G-Rods Legacy. Let me aslo make it perfectly clear that becasue of the political & economic overtones surrounding this farce, although the former Gov is now officially convicted on one Lesser Count and may possibly serve up to 5 years (actually more like around 3 &1/2 with the props)- I'm damn glad he beat HATIN FITZGERALD at his own game! Sure there was damaging things G-Rod said on those tapes. However, he said nothing much different behind closed doors that no one else would have said when you have to play the Stankin Chicago Politics/ Playbook / Game!  If you carefully listened to those tapes, you could tell that 50% of the conversations could be interperted as what we call talking -S---- Talk. They (politicians) all do it to put out FEELER'S and to shake the trees. G-Rods versions just happened to be filled with profanity thats all. Thats why G-Rods attorney's was able to use the crazy talk defense interjection during the trial which gave them a very nice cushy edge! And by the way I'm still not convinced that G- Rod was not aware of his phones being tapped. If he is as professional and knowledgeable as he presents himself, he should know when his phones are being tapped. You can purchace devices to tell you when your lines are tapped and besides that, theres the line tap click! In the past- when I started doing my exposes on the government and writings, as they got circulated, my PHONES were tapped and I could always tell when they were listening. So lets also be aware that this whole thing can also be a Circus Play.

This whole calamity started becasue G-Rod became the first peoples Gov. since former Gov. Jim Ryan! G-Rod did more for the African American community than literally any former Gov.! Thats a big No-No to the government! Gov. Ryan pardoned & freed the innocent brothers on Death Row and made other moves benefiting the Black comm. and what happened??? They railroaded him and sent him up! G-Rod stableized taxes, passed billls in our favor and made it so that our seniors could ride the CTA for free! All of this benefites the poor and mostly African Americans. What happend??? They railroaded G-Rod! G-Rod was also placing Black Leadership in high & powerful positions! I.E. Roland Burris and others! When you do all this for the people... with heavy emphasis on Black people... this is what happens! Realize this! This is why G-Rod has a huge African American following & Support.
The procecutors only concern was to get him out of his seat PERIOD! BEHIND CLOSED DOORS THEY DIDNT GIVE A CRAP IF THEY WON THE CASE! First priority is to get the man out of that position of POWER!
Second... lets see if we can send send him to prison to make another example.
FItzgerald is just a vindictive and opportunistic pawn- just making a better name for himself politicallly! If they really wanted to get solid convictions on all counts or at least the majority, they would have laid low and waited for G-Rod to complete the crimes! However, that was taking wayyyy to long! G-Rod was in the process of placing more African Americans & other  opposing democrats in positions of power and they also needed to undo some of the good deeds G-Rod put in place  becasue the government was loosing too much money! As soon as G-Rod was ousted from his seat and Patt Quinn becasme the Official Governor, what happened? Taxes increased an spreaded to even more industries and they began making bills to take awawy the FREE RIDES for SENIORS PROGRAM! I agree that it was a waste of HUGE DOLLARS on a WEAK CASE. It would be an even bigger farse & tragedy if they will now spend our hard earned money for a second trial and virtually the same case munis one!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55