12 Aug Caribbean Day at the Park 2010, North Alabama’s Largest Family Fun Day

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On Sunday, September 5, 2010 Huntsville will come alive with the hosting of the 5th Annual . The purpose of the event, which is hosted by the Caribbean Association of North Alabama (CANA), is to introduce the public to the Caribbean culture, cuisine and lifestyle, in a family-friendly atmosphere.

Caribbean Day at the park

The event will take place at Stoner Field Park, off Spring Field Road in Huntsville, Alabama, and will begin at 1pm until 7pm. The general public is invited to a panoramic display of an amazing assortment of Caribbean culture and experience.

Renowned music spinners from Nashville and Birmingham will be wooing the public with old school reggae, calypso, soca and steel pan music appropriate for this family, fun experience.

The highlight of the day will be a staple of Caribbean favored games like lime and spoon, sack race, tug-of-war, musical chairs, domino, and soccer will be part of the mix.

A vast number of people are expected to come and feast on the scrumptious delicacies of the day and bask in the atmosphere of ONE LOVE – southern style.

Attendees and Caribbean cuisine enthusiasts as far as Atlanta, Georgia and Memphis, Tennessee will come to participate in the event activities. Participants from Nashville, Tennessee and Birmingham, Alabama will be there to exhibit their talents

The general public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs – relax and have an uplifted afternoon.

So, you are invited to a day of Food, Fun, Fellowship, Friends, Family and warm Faces.

Admission is FREE

For more information please visit www.CANAonline.com – The Caribbean Association of North Alabama.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55