27 Jul Network Marketing Recruiting Secrets Revealed

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by Heru K. Minkah

In this article, we’re going to cover how you can maximize your network marketing recruiting efforts while dramatically increasing the retention rate and overall performance of your downline. I am not going to sell you on anything whatsoever. I am not going to attempt to convince you to join my opportunity and I am not going to hold anything back on what you need to do to be successful. This information is my gift to you with absolutely no strings attached. Why I am giving this information away for free? My satisfaction comes from knowing that I have made a difference in the lives of people that are struggling with a home-based business opportunity and I know how that feels. It also means that my chosen industry of network marketing will continue to be respected as a viable and logical alternative to conventional business and employment.


As you find yourself understanding the principles I’m going to outline, you’re going to have a clearer picture of exactly what you need to do to make it to the top of your company’s compensation plan. Many of these secrets will doubtlessly be very scary to some people. However, if you’re the kind of person who is ready for success, you’re going to benefit from this information by leaps and bounds.

The cornerstone secret to recruiting for your network marketing opportunity is integrity. As obvious as this sounds, there is much more to it. When a person is recruiting for their network marketing opportunity they don’t set out to give their prospects the wrong idea of what network marketing is (I least I hope they don’t) but what sometimes ends up happening, is that their level of excitement coupled with a misunderstanding of what network marketing is and is not, ends up leading their new independent representatives down the wrong road. This leads to frustration and ultimately ends with a collapse of their downline. With the knowledge I’m going to give here, you’ll be able to avoid this unforeseen pitfall.

I have been hugely successful in network marketing, but it took many trials and errors before discovering how to succeed in this lucrative business, as well as how to keep people in my downline and help them succeed. In one opportunity I was able to recruit at least one person a day starting from day one, but I found that they would soon fall off out of abject frustration that they were not able to produce the results I was able to. At the time, I didn’t clearly understand what I was doing wrong but over the years the secrets to network marketing success have slowly been revealed to me.

What can you do to make sure that when you’re out recruiting for your network marketing opportunity that people will stay involved and that you’ll be successful? You must understand exactly what network marketing is and who actually makes it to the top of your company’s compensation plan.

Here are the secrets that you’ll need to know and that you’ll want to cover with your current downline and future prospects:

Network marketing is neither a job nor a get rich quick pyramid scheme. This may seem like a no-brainer like many of the other secrets I’ll be going over, but bare with me and I’ll explain the reason why this fact can be so deeply forgotten or misunderstood that the obvious becomes hidden. Understand that most people—even after they’ve heard your presentation about starting a home-based business—still may not fully understand what huge differences rest between a home-based business and a job. People who enter your organization who are stuck on job-think will have put forth the investment to get started and yet they mistake the independent representative application with a time-sheet for clocking in to work. At many jobs, you clock in and regardless of whether you do anything or not you will still get paid (so long as you’re not caught slacking off too much). When a person is running their own business they will make absolutely nothing unless they market their business. Once you grow your residual income and the momentum of your downline, then you can relax…and do it quite comfortably! However, initially it’s going to mean working hard…very hard. You’ve probably noticed the strange phenomenon that almost every single network marketing company has someone somewhere complaining that that particular company is a scam, yet your company probably has outstanding products or services and they probably have oceans of people who are making money and who are excited about being involved. Pyramid schemes are illegal, and if a company is found to be a pyramid scheme it is quickly shutdown by the government. So why do some people seem so unhappy with network marketing? This is the secret that fast food companies, recliner chair manufactures, air conditioning manufacturers and insurance salesman figured out. The average person wants satisfaction right now. The average person will always opt for the most relaxing position in life. The average person doesn’t want to sweat and the average person wants to be assured that so long as they keep doing the same thing every month, the money will be there. Unfortunately, if a person has not been properly informed about what it really means to own their own home business, they will likely give up and join the naysayers. To be successful in network marketing a person must be patient as they work each day to build toward their success. They must be willing to step outside of their comfort zone. They must be willing to sweat a little by taking a chance on their own self-determination and they must realize that the size of their network marketing paycheck hinges not upon clocking in, but the courage to face down every rejection while moving with excitement and urgency toward the manifestation of their dreams. Yes, it is hard work. However, the upside to network marketing recruiting is that if you’ve been trained by a quality company, or upline leader in your opportunity, you’ll find that working hard in your network marketing opportunity can be fun and exciting.

Network marketing success hinges upon hard work. A person cannot buy their way to top of a network marketing opportunity, it must be earned. Yes, it is possible to make it to the top of your company’s network marketing compensation plan by simply buying every prospect that you talk to a starter kit out of your own pocket and paying for all their customers (which would take a whole lot of money and very little work), but even if a person has that kind of money to waste, they’d find that their downline would collapse. The absolute only way anyone every makes it to the top of a network marketing opportunity and sustains and continues to grow their massive downline is by making a commitment to do network marketing recruiting the right way and by nurturing their downline. Nurturing your downline means being available to help them grow their own organizations. Recruiting the right way means putting your nose to the grindstone; putting your best foot forward to attract and present your opportunity to the right people, and never, ever, ever letting up on your success. If I told you I’d hire you for a job and that it entails working extremely hard almost every day of every month and that your reward will be to that get to work like a dog for many, many more years to come, would you take the job? Most people have agreed to that. Would it scare you if I told you that you’re going to have to work extremely hard over the next year to four years in your network marketing opportunity, but your reward will be that you’ll be able to walk away from your job, would you stick with your opportunity? If you answered “yes”, then lets proceed…because you already possess the characteristics that are at the nucleus of what makes top producers tick (courage and self-determination).

Network marketing recruiting takes a highly-motivated and disciplined personality. This means that a person must have the discipline to monitor their level of motivation and if they ever find themselves falling below optimum levels of excitement, they will immediately do whatever is necessary to change course. That could mean taking the time to watch your company’s opportunity videos again and again everyday, so that you’ll have a fresh feeling of excitement and be motivated to make it happen. It could mean making a “success collage” created out of pictures of the places you want to go, the kind of house you’d like to live in or the kind of car you’d like to drive. It could mean calling up your upline leaders for some uplifting advice. It could mean consistently listening to motivational speakers, playing their audios at home and in the car or watching their videos on YouTube. To reach your success goals you must be motivated. To be motivated you must be excited to make it happen. Excitement is contagious, and it’s the single most powerful ingredient for network marketing recruiting success.

Network marketing is not a pyramid scheme. People at the top of a network marketing organization do not necessarily make lots of money. What? Bare with me because this is another secret that might sound scary to some people but as I explain it you’re going to begin to understand exactly why you should be excited about this simple fact. Here’s how it works: If Alfred recruits Bob and Bob recruits Cassandra, we can imagine them in a straight line from top to bottom (A, B, C) with Alfred standing at the top of the organization, Bob standing on the level below him, and Cassandra last. Alfred goes wild, puts his nose to the grindstone and makes things happen. Cassandra is off the charts with her network marketing recruiting efforts; she’s always excited to talk to people about her opportunity and ends up building a massive organization. If we’d look back at Alfred, whose standing at the top, we’d see a massive organization below him due to his own efforts and multiplied by Cassandra’s diligence and hard work…but what about Bob? Bob only recruited Cassandra, he decided he’d stay involved because he loved the products and services, but he didn’t get promoted to any kind of prestigious title in the opportunity’s compensation plan. Why? Because network marketing isn’t a pyramid scheme and it isn’t a job. In a true network marketing company you can have someone above you who makes less money than you do. The percentages and bonuses you earn in a true network marketing opportunity are based upon your earned position. The keyword here is “earned”. If a person does not acquire the customers or independent representatives that they need to quality for their opportunity’s higher earned position they’ll earn a bit more money from the efforts of someone like Cassandra, but it will be pennies compared to what Cassandra earns herself. Yes, Bob is at the top of the huge organization but it’s Alfred and Cassandra who are making the real money, and rightfully so. In a conventional business, whether large or small, a person’s job position in the corporate pyramid linearly dictates how much money they make. In almost every case, in a corporation, the people at the top make the big bucks and the people at the bottom make much, much, much less. Network marketing rewards the people who are hungry for success regardless of where they are located in the organization’s structure. Think about that.

You have to talk to people. This one also seems completely obvious and because of that I never saw it as something I had to point out in my early days of network marketing. Due to leaving this out, many people in my downline would complain that they weren’t making any money. I couldn’t understand what was happening, but now I can share this with you: To be successful in network marketing you have to be willing to talk to people and share your opportunity in as many different ways as you can possibly think of. Have you put the link to your opportunity website in your email signature? Have you sent a short, gentle but excited announcement to every person you can think of, informing them that your home business is open for business? Have you made a YouTube video proudly and excitedly talking about all the neat stuff about your opportunity’s products or services? Do you have the courage to give a brochure or a DVD to a complete stranger? Make a commitment right now to inform your downline that to be successful in their own home-based business they must let as many people as possible know that they’re in business. Reveal to people that the secret to making money in network marketing is talking, and those who keep on talking are the ones who make it to the top.

The average person will not get rich with network marketing. This fact sounds pretty depressing when you first read it, but let me ask you: Do you consider yourself an average person? I can already answer that question. No, you are not an average person because if you were, you wouldn’t be reading this. An above average person is willing to take the time to invest in themselves and you’ve invested in yourself by seeking out knowledge that you can use to propel your business forward. Read this network marketing recruiting secret again and realize that it doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you are going to be hugely successful in network marketing. You must refuse to be average. You must refuse to back down or give up. The average person is not self-motivated or excited about putting in hard work even if it means literally changing the future history of their family tree. Therefore, yes, it is an absolute fact that the average person in network marketing will only make a little money or no money at all. The average person doesn’t have anything to do with you or what you are capable of. You have made it this far. I have gut-checked you over and over, and you’ve made it this far. Are you going to give up or are you going to take the bull by the horns and prove that I am right when I say that you are not just another average person, but an above average success story in the making?

You must not be afraid to sell. A person must have no fear of the word “salesman” and no dread of the concept of “selling”. There are life-saving devices in hospitals because a salesman had the courage to stand by his product. If you know someone whose life was saved by a defibrillator, thank the doctor, nurse or paramedic…and don’t forget the salesman who sold their hospital the unit. If someone asks, “Are you trying to sell me something,” respond with excitement, “You bet I am…and you absolutely have to take a look at this!” Salesman are the highest paid people in the world. Why anyone would not want to be a salesman beats me. However, in network marketing you are selling your products or services but you are marketing your business opportunity. Successful network marketing recruiting means knowing the difference between these two areas of your business.

Successful network marketing recruiting doesn’t mean chasing people. Now that we’ve moved beyond the word “salesman” we can get to the pinnacle of network marketing recruiting secrets. In terms of getting people to sign up for an opportunity, a person must understand that successful network marketers do not sell people on an opportunity. You sell people products or services and selling them on a product or service means that you might need to convince them that it is superior to the competition or that it is otherwise something that will enrich their lives. Successful network marketers do not sell people network marketing opportunities, they market them. Marketing means inviting and inviting means we’re giving out invitations. An invitation, although it can certainly be an open invitation, typically means that a person has been assessed and selected to participate in an event or organization. I have absolutely no interest in chasing anybody to do anything. I will invite them. I will market my opportunity by letting as many people as possible know that the opportunity is here; that it exists, but it’s up to them to accept or reject the invitation. To be successful in network marketing a person must grow an awareness of the existence of their opportunity and let people make up their own minds. Almost everyone I had to convince to make an investment in themselves didn’t make any money no matter how much I tried to help them. I found myself not wanting to help them because they were so negative and required too much of my energy to motivate. On the other hand, those who are invited to watch a DVD, invited to listen to a business opportunity briefing or invited to click on a link, and who decide to get involved, are the people you will want to help make it to the top with you…and they are the ones who are going to help you get it to the top!

I’ve given you the knowledge that I wish I had years ago. Now it’s up to you to dig down deep within yourself and find the courage to make it happen.

I wish you health, happiness and success!


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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55